

BAS Mathematics

„Mathematics and its style of thinking must become an integral part of the general culture of modern man, the man who is educated in today's schools, regardless of whether he will do work that uses mathematics or not." (Conclusion of the UNESCO Conference on Education)

„Mathematics, when a person understands it well, contains not only truth, but also the highest beauty." (Bertrand Russell)

240 ЕСПБ

4 years

3 modules

The purpose of the BAS Mathematics study program is, on the one hand, the education of professors of mathematics, as well as professors of informatics and computer science, who will be able to work in primary and secondary schools after completing their studies, and on the other hand, the education of mathematicians capable of working in various branches of the modern economy, development and research centers, financial institutions, as well as in all places where there is a need for the application of mathematical apparatus and multidisciplinary work that includes mathematics.

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BАS Informatics

Graduate and continue the streak! Microsoft (Seattle USA, Munich GER, Prague CZE, Belgrade SRB), Facebook (San Francisco USA), Databricks (Seattle USA), Oracle (Vienna AUT), Ubisof (Belgrade SRB), ICube (Strasbourg FRA), ING (Amsterdam NLD ),, NCR, Zühlke, Nutanix, Asseco, Comtrade, Levi9, Endava, Seavus, LogiSpin, HTEC, Quantox, Inovatec, Thing Solver, LoboDMS, LionEight, Vodéna (SRB),...

240 ЕСПБ

4 years

3 modules

The goal of the study program is to train students to work in jobs that require knowledge in the field of computer science and knowledge of modern information technologies, for professional work in the fields of industry, agriculture, health, state administration, service activities, education and similar areas where applicable knowledge from in the field of informatics, as well as for continuing studies.

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BAS Physics

I think I've always wanted to do physics. What has always fascinated me about science has been wanting to understand what's at the root of everything, and I think physics is basically the study of that. Alan Guth, theoretical physicist

240 ЕСПБ

4 years

4 modules

The BAS physics study program should educate and train experts for a variety of jobs that require knowledge in the field of physics. Upon completion of physics studies, experts are formed capable of working in schools, in developmental physical and IT laboratories in the economy, IT sector, industry, and medical institutions.

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BAS Chemistry

Research and development, chemistry teacher, environmental protection

240 ЕСПБ

4 years

3 modules

The BAS Chemistry study program aims to educate and train experts for various jobs that require knowledge in the field of chemistry. Upon completion of Chemistry studies, experts, graduate chemists are formed, able to perform and manage various jobs and create policy in areas where knowledge from chemistry is applicable, manage and create business policy in institutions that monitor environmental conditions, transfer knowledge from the field of chemistry.

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BAS Biology

Your biological career begins here. Biological sciences are all around us, as living beings we ourselves are part of biology. If you want to know how the entire living world works, studying biology is the right choice for you.

240 ЕСПБ

4 years

The purpose of the BAS Biology study program is the education of experts capable of working in various branches of the modern economy, development and research centers, as well as in all places where there is a need to apply knowledge in the field of biology: in scientific research laboratories, botanical gardens, natural history museums, national parks and other protected areas, accredited laboratories for quality control, biotechnology laboratories, development laboratories, as well as in the fields of industry, agriculture, medicine and the like. By mastering the study program, the student acquires theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for knowledge and understanding of basic biological disciplines, as well as the ability to solve specific problems, using scientific methods and procedures, the ability to work independently and further professional development, as well as continuing studies.

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BAS Ecology and environmental protection

Ecology will allow you to learn, explore and understand the secrets of life on Earth itself. Studies in ecology will show you how complex a science it really is and how interconnected every living and non-living fragment of planet Earth is. The acquired knowledge can help you to contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and natural balance and thereby ensure a better future for our planet.

240 ЕСПБ

4 years

The study program BAS Ecology and Environmental Protection plays a key role in the education of experts for various jobs requiring knowledge of biology and ecology, as well as the ability to apply the latest knowledge from these fields. The goal of the program is to train students with fundamental knowledge and skills essential in modern society, enabling them to successfully face various challenges in the field of the environment. Graduated ecologists become key actors in nature protection, qualified for jobs in inspection services, utility companies, national parks, institutes for monitoring and environmental protection, as well as in scientific research institutions and industry. Their competences are of vital importance for the sustainable development of society and the preservation of nature.

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E. P. E.

BAS Environmental protection engineering

The study program of basic academic studies Environmental Protection Engineering is a joint study program of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the University of Kragujevac (FES) and the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Kragujevac (FSM).

240 ЕСПБ

4 years

Teaching is conducted through lectures and exercises. At the lectures, with the use of appropriate modern didactic-methodical tools, the intended material is presented with the necessary explanations that contribute to a better understanding of the subject matter. During the exercises, which follow the lectures, specific tasks are solved and examples are presented that additionally illustrate the material. Exercises can be auditory, computer or laboratory. The academic title that students acquire at the end of this study program is "graduated engineer of environmental protection".

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BAS Psychology, program holder University

The joint study program BAS Psychology was accredited in 2017 and is carried out by four faculties of the University of Kragujevac: Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences and Faculty of Philology and Arts. After three years of joint education, in the fourth one chooses between three modules: Psychology in Education, Clinical Psychology and Organizational Psychology.

240 ЕСПБ

4 years

3 modules

The goal of the study program is the education and training of experts for professional and scientific work in three areas of psychology: education, clinical work and organizational psychology. After completing the Psychology studies, experts are trained to work in areas where knowledge from the field of psychology is applicable: as professional assistants or teachers in primary and secondary schools and preschool institutions, scientific research institutes and laboratories, market research agencies, public opinion and marketing, centers for social work, and the like.

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МАС Mathematics

"Mathematics and its style of thinking must become an integral part of the general culture of modern man, the man who is educated in today's schools, regardless of whether he will do work that uses mathematics or not." (Conclusion of the UNESCO Conference on Education )

"Mathematics, when a person understands it well, contains not only truth, but also the highest beauty." (Bertrand Russell)


1 year

3 modules

By mastering the MAS Mathematics study program, the student acquires knowledge necessary for solving problems in mathematics and other sciences, business, economics and other fields, as well as for further professional and scientific training. This study program forms a natural and logical whole with the study program of basic academic studies in mathematics, and it educates currently insufficient staff. The development of critical thinking and the formation of the necessary foundations for training for research work, which is further upgraded in doctoral academic studies in mathematics or related fields, are enabled.

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МАС Informatics

Graduate and continue the streak! Microsoft (Seattle USA, Munich GER, Prague CZE, Belgrade SRB), Facebook (San Francisco USA), Databricks (Seattle USA), Oracle (Vienna AUT), Ubisof (Belgrade SRB), ICube (Strasbourg FRA), ING (Amsterdam NLD ),, NCR, Zühlke, Nutanix, Asseco, Comtrade, Levi9, Endava, Seavus, LogiSpin, HTEC, Quantox, Inovatec, Thing Solver, LoboDMS, LionEight, Vodéna (SRB), ...


1 year

2 modules

The goal of the study program is to train students to successfully perform tasks that require mastery of various areas of computer science, knowledge and ability to use existing, understanding and development of new information technologies, to adapt to the specific requirements of various areas of human activity in which they will apply their knowledge, as well as for further professional and scientific training.

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МАС Physics

I think I've always wanted to do physics. What has always fascinated me about science has been wanting to understand what's at the root of everything, and I think physics is basically the study of that. Alan Guth, theoretical physicist


1 year

5 modules

The study program of academic studies in physics should educate and train experts for various jobs that require knowledge in the field of physics. After completing physics studies, experts are formed capable of working in schools, working as managers in development physical and IT laboratories in the economy, in scientific research laboratories, etc.

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МАС Chemistry

Research and development, chemistry teacher, environmental protection, chemoinformatics


1 year

4 modules

The study program Master of academic studies in CHEMISTRY should educate and train experts for various jobs or for doctoral studies in the field of chemical research and development, chemoinformatics and modeling, environmental protection, that is, teaching chemistry. Upon completion of the Master's academic studies in CHEMISTRY, experts trained for research work in developmental chemical laboratories, teaching work in primary schools, solving both easier and more complex scientific and technical problems, etc., are formed.

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МАС Biology

Master's studies in biology provide an opportunity for a deeper study of biology and specific areas of interest. Let biology be your choice, because the acquired knowledge will be crucial in solving the biggest problems of today. You will have the opportunity to try your hand at scientific research and the implementation of projects in the field of biology, as well as to pass on your acquired knowledge to future generations.


1 year

2 modules

The goal of the MAS Biology study program is the education of highly qualified personnel who have specific competencies necessary for scientific research work in the selected narrow field of biology, as well as for work in teaching biology in primary and secondary schools. By mastering the study program, which is realized through two modules, general biology and professor of biology, the student acquires theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for performing and managing work in the field of biology, is qualified for independent work and further professional development. The acquired knowledge ensures competence and expertise for work in the fields of science, education, industry, agriculture, medicine and is the basis for continuing education in doctoral studies in biological and related profiles.

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Molecular biology and physiology

МАС Molecular biology and physiology

The Master of Molecular Biology and Physiology will enable you to gain a deeper understanding and study of the functioning of the organism, genetic material, molecular processes and biotechnology. Molecular biology and physiology are key to the development of innovations in medicine and biotechnology. You will have the opportunity to participate in numerous modern scientific researches and gatherings, as well as in the realization of projects in the field of biomedicine. The acquired knowledge in this field will provide you with a wide range of employment opportunities and further training.


1 year

The aim of the study program of the Master's academic studies Molecular Biology and Physiology is: education and formation of highly professional staff who have a complete academic education in the field of molecular biology and physiology; to educate and train experts for professional and scientific work, who are able to perform and manage jobs in various fields where knowledge from molecular biology and physiology can be applied (science and education in the fields of biology and applied biological disciplines, molecular biotechnology, medicine, human genetics, botanical, zoological, ecological tests, as well as in other related activities.

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МАС Ecology

Master's studies in ecology will give you the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the postulates of this science and to solve current environmental problems, through laboratory and field research of a different nature. If you are interested in further training in this field, these studies are the right place for you.

60 (61) ЕСПБ

1 year

2 modules

The goal of the study program MAS Ecology is to educate experts who will be prepared for independent scientific research work in institutions that deal with fundamental and applied research, as well as experts who will deal with practical tasks related to the application of ecological knowledge in practice and economic activities. The purpose of the study program is to train students for independent and team work in organizations and companies on environmental monitoring and natural resource management, in institutions that are responsible for the state of the environment from an organizational and planning level, in scientific research laboratories, i.e. engagement in various projects and research studies that can contribute to the development of science and innovation in the field of ecology and environmental protection.

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Ph.D. Mathematics

"Mathematics and its style of thinking must become an integral part of the general culture of modern man, the man who is educated in today's schools, regardless of whether he will do work that uses mathematics or not." (Conclusion of the UNESCO Conference on Education )

"Mathematics, when a person understands it well, contains not only truth, but also the highest beauty." (Bertrand Russell)

180 ЕСПБ

3 years

The goal of this study program is the formation of competent and modernly educated experts who possess superior theoretical and practical knowledge required for critical analysis and original research in the field of mathematics and apply advanced and specialized skills and techniques in order to solve key problems in mathematical theoretical and practical research.

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Computer Science

Ph.D. Computer Science

Graduate and continue the streak! Microsoft (Seattle USA, Munich GER, Prague CZE, Belgrade SRB), Facebook (San Francisco USA), Databricks (Seattle USA), Oracle (Vienna AUT), Ubisof (Belgrade SRB), ICube (Strasbourg FRA), ING (Amsterdam NLD ),, NCR, Zühlke, Nutanix, Asseco, Comtrade, Levi9, Endava, Seavus, LogiSpin, HTEC, Quantox, Inovatec, Thing Solver, LoboDMS, LionEight, Vodéna (SRB), ...

180 ЕСПБ

3 years

By mastering the study program of doctoral academic studies in computer science, the student is able to independently conduct original and scientifically relevant research in the field of computer science, to critically evaluate the research of others, as well as for further scientific improvement.

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Ph.D. Physics

I think I've always wanted to do physics. What has always fascinated me about science has been wanting to understand what's at the root of everything, and I think physics is basically the study of that. Alan Guth, theoretical physicist

180 ЕСПБ

3 years

Training students for the development and application of scientific and professional achievements in the chosen field of physics, reviewing applications and training for creative scientific work. Education of doctors of physical sciences who will have the possibility of employment in Serbia, the European Union and other countries in scientific research and other laboratories, in industry, in educational institutions, as well as in activities related to environmental protection, geosciences and other related activities.

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Ph.D. Chemistry

Organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, teaching chemistry, theoretical chemistry

180 ЕСПБ

3 years

Training students for the development and application of scientific and professional achievements in the field of chemistry, reviewing applications and training for creative work. Education of doctors of chemical sciences who will have employment opportunities in Serbia, the European Union and other countries in scientific research and other laboratories, in industry (chemical, food, pharmaceutical, etc.), in educational institutions, activities related to environmental protection and other related activities.

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Ph.D. Biology

If you see yourself in science, then a PhD in biology is a good choice for you. Shape yourself as a scientist in your field of interest. At our Institute, you will have the opportunity to narrowly specialize in one of 10 scientific fields. Doctoral studies will give you the chance to train for theoretical and practical science, to participate in national and international scientific projects of world importance, to meet and make contacts with other eminent scientists in your field, from all over the world.

180 ЕСПБ

3 years

The aim of the study program Doctoral Academic Studies in Biology is the education of students who will possess knowledge and skills aligned with the modern directions of development of biological scientific disciplines in the world, the achievement of scientific competences and academic skills in the field of biology, molecular biology and ecology, i.e. the formation of experts who are able to recognize , defines and solves a scientific and social problem. Upon completion of studies, students will acquire basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the fields of biology and applied biological disciplines, natural sciences, environmental protection, healthcare, agriculture, medicine, veterinary medicine, as well as in other related activities. Doctoral academic studies in Biology enable the improvement of students' knowledge to the PhD level, which provides a basis for further work and engaging in fundamental, innovative, applied and interdisciplinary research within the scientific field. Acquiring experimental and practical knowledge from the chosen narrow scientific field gives students the opportunity to be employed in various teaching-scientific and research-development institutions.

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Doctoral School of Mathematics

Ph.D. Doctoral School of Mathematics

"Mathematics and its style of thinking must become an integral part of the general culture of modern man, the man who is educated in today's schools, regardless of whether he will do work that uses mathematics or not." (Conclusion of the UNESCO Conference on Education )

"Mathematics, when a person understands it well, contains not only truth, but also the highest beauty." (Bertrand Russell)

180 ЕСПБ

3 years

The purpose of the Doctoral School of Mathematics study program is the education of scientific staff qualified for independent research work in mathematical sciences, as well as critical evaluation of research in mathematics and related fields. The key element in this sense is achieving the highest level of knowledge and understanding of the most modern trends in mathematics,

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BAS Mathematics

"Mathematics and its style of thinking must become an integral part of the general culture of modern man, the man who is educated in today's schools, regardless of whether he will do work that uses mathematics or not." (Conclusion of the UNESCO Conference on Education )

"Mathematics, when a person understands it well, contains not only truth, but also the highest beauty." (Bertrand Russell)

240 ЕСПБ

4 years

3 modules

The purpose of the BAS Mathematics Study Program is, on the one hand, the education of mathematics professors who, after completing their master's studies, will be able to work in primary and secondary schools, and on the other hand, the education of mathematicians capable of working in various branches of the modern economy, development and research centers, financial institutions, as well as in all places where there is a need for the application of mathematical apparatus and multidisciplinary work that includes mathematics.

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