1. V. Babović, V. Ristić, Some observations on Fraunhofer diffraction of laser beam (Neka zapažanja o Fraunhoferovoj difrakciji laserskog snopa na okruglom otvoru), Coll. Sci. Papers Fac. Sci. Kragujevac 2, 45 (1981), (in serbian);

2. V. Babović, V. Ristić, D. Todorović, Thought-experiment in physics (Misaoni eksperiment u fizici), Coll. Sci. Papers Fac. Sci. Kragujevac 4, 7 (1983), (in serbian);

3. V. Babović, S. Jokić, V. Ristić, D. Todorović, On the creative nature of paradoxes in physics (O kreativnoj snazi paradoksa u fizici), Coll. Sci. Papers Fac. Sci. Kragujevac 5, 7 (1984), (in serbian);

4. Lj. Ristovski, G. S. Davidović-Ristovski and V. Ristić, Bisolitons in a Molecular Polymer Chain, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 136, 615 (1986);

5. V. Babović, V. Ristić, Soldner's formula: a premature couriosity or lost chance, (Zoldnerova formula: prevremeni kuriozitet ili neiskorišćena šansa), Coll. Sci. Papers Fac. Sci. Kragujevac 7, 53 (1986), (in serbian);

6. V.P. Krainov and V.M. Ristić, Kinetic energy distribution in tunnel ionization of atoms and ions by a strong low-frequency electromagnetic field, Coll. Sci. Papers Fac. Sci. Kragujevac 12, 81 (1991);

7. V. P. Krainov, V. M. Ristić, Electron energy spectra in tunneling ionization of atoms and ions by strong low-frequency electromagnetic field, Sov. Phys. JETP 101, 789(1992);

8. M. V. Ammosov, P. A. Golovinsky, I. Yu Kian, V. P. Krainov and V. M. Ristić, Tunneling ionization of atoms and atomic ions in an intense laser field with non-homogeneous space-time distribution, J. Opt Soc. Am. B, Vol. 9, No. 8, 1225 (1992);

9. V.P. Krainov, V.M. Ristić, Energy spectra of electrons in tunnel ionization of atoms and molecules in strong field of laser radiation, ed. E. V. Bunkin and LI. Tugov, Wiley-Nauka Scientific Publishers, Moscow, 1992;

10. V.P. Krainov, V.M. Ristić, Approximative treatment of the turning point in the ADK-theory, Coll. Sci. Papers Fac. Sci. Kragujevac 17, 123 (1995);

11. V.P. Krainov, M.M. Radulović, V.M. Ristić, Electron energy maximum in tunneling ionization of atoms and ions of potassium, Coll. Sci. Papers Fac. Sci. Kragujevac 17, 127 (1995);

12. V.P. Krainov, V.M. Ristić, Foundation of approximative treatment of the turning point in the ADK-theory, »Atomic Collision Processes and Laser Beam Interaction with Solids«, ed. Z. Milosavljević and Z. Petrović, Nova Science Publishers Inc., Commack, New York, (1996);

13. V.M. Ristić, M.M. Radulović and V.P. Krainov, Improved Treatment of the Turning Point in Tunnel lonization of Atoms in a Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field, Laser Phys., Vol. 8, No. 4 (1998);

14. V.M. Ristić, M.M. Radulović, About the behavior of corrections to the transition rate for tunnel ionization of atoms and ions by a strong low-frequency electromagnetic field, Coll. Sci. Papers Fac. Sci. Kragujevac 20, 129 (1998);

15. V.M. Ristić and M.M. Radulović, Thought experiment and computer experiment – similarities and differences, Kragujevac J. Sci. 23, 47 (2001);

16. V.M. Ristić and T.S. Premović, Treatment of the turning point in ADK-theory including non-zero initial momenta, Kragujevac J. Sci. 25, 41 (2003);

17. V.M. Ristić and M.M. Radulović, Corollary to Noether's theorem about the conservation of angular momentum and spin in theories that are dealing with strong laser fields, Laser Phys. Lett. 1, No 2, 79-81 (2004);

18. Nebojša Danilović, Vladimir Ristić, Vladimir Cvjetković, Vera Gal, Mirjana Platiša and Zorica Nestorović, Spectral analysis of heart rate variability in acromegaly, Kragujevac J. Sci 27, 39 (2005);

19. V.M. Ristić, M.M. Radulović and J.M. Stevanović, Transition rate dependance on the turning point, Kragujevac J. Sci. 27, 31 (2005);

20. V.M. Ristić, M.M. Radulović, and T.S. Premović, Turning point behaviour in tunnel ionization of atoms in super-strong, low-frequency laser fields, Laser Phys. Lett. 2, No. 6, 314-317 (2005);

21. V.M. Ristić, J.M. Stevanović, and M.M. Radulović, Transition rate dependence on the improved turning point in ADK-theory, Laser Phys. Lett. 3, No. 6, 298-300 (2006);

22. V.M. Ristić and J.M. Stevanović, Transition rate dependence on the atom charge states, Z, Laser Phys. Lett. 4, No. 5, 354 (2007);

23. V.M. Ristić, T.B. Miladinović, and M.M. Radulović, Transition rate dependence on the non-zero initial momentum in the ADK-theory, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 112, No. 5, 909-914 (2007);

24. V.M. Ristić, T.B. Miladinović, and M.M. Radulović, Some aspects of including non-zero initial momenta into ionization of atoms by strong low-frequency laser fields, Publ. Astron. Obs. Belgrade, No. 84, 231-235 (2008);

25. V.M. Ristić, T.B. Miladinović, and M.M. Radulović, Analyzing the transition rates of the ionization of atoms by strong fields of a CO2 laser including non-zero initial momenta, Laser Physics, Vol. 18, No. 10, 1183-1187 (2008);

26. V.M. Ristić and J.M. Stevanović, Atom Charge States, Z and Comparing the ADK and cADK-Theories, Laser Physics, Vol. 19, No. 5, 989 (2009);

27. V.M. Ristić, T.B. Miladinović, and M.M. Radulović, Calculating Ionization Transition Rate for Circularly Polarized Fields, Including Non-Zero Initial Momentum, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 116, No. 4, 333-335 (2009);

28. V.M. Ristić, T.B. Miladinović, and J.M. Stevanović, Circularly Polarized Laser Fields, with Different Z, Including Non-Zero Initial Momentum, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 119, No. 6, 761-763 (2011);

29. V.M. Ristić, M.M. Radulović, and T.B. Miladinović, Stern-Gerlach Experiment’s Interpretations and Noether’s Theorem, Int. J. Theor. Phys., Vol. 50, No. 11, 3602-3609 (2011);

30. J.M. Stevanović, T.B. Miladinović, M.M. Radulović and V.M. Ristić, Ionization rate for circularly polarized laser fields with modified ionization potential included, Physica Scripta T149, 014046 (2012);

31. T.B. Miladinović, J.M. Stevanović, M.M. Radulović and V.M. Ristić, The energy at which the maximum number of photoelectrons are observed during the ionization of potassium and xenon atoms, Physica Scripta T149, 014047 (2012);

32. T.B. Miladinović, V.M. Petrović and V.M. Ristić, Influence of Ponderomotive Potential and NonZero Initial Momentum of Ejected Electron on Transition Rate in Multiphoton IonizationActa Physica Polonica A, Vol. 124, No. 4, 658-660 (2013);

33. M.M. Radulović, J.M. Stevanović, T.B. Miladinović and V.M. Ristić, The Role of the Non-Zero Initial Momentum and Modified Ionization Potential in the Corrected Ammosov-Delone-Krainov TheoryRomanian Jurnal of Physics, Vol. 58, Nos. 1-2, 127-135 (2013);

34. V.M. Ristić, M.M. Radulović, T.B. Miladinović and J.M. Stevanović, Getting Deeper Insight Into Stopping Power Problems in Radiation Physics Using the Noether's Theorem CorollaryNuclear Technology & Radiation Protection, Vol. 29, No. 1, 24-27 (2014);

35. V.M. Petrović, T.B. Miladinović and V.M. Ristić, Single and Double Tunneling Ionization of the Noble Gases Exposed to a Linearly or Circularly Polarized Laser FieldRomanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 66, No. 4, 929-938 (2014);

36. V.M. Ristić and N.D. Stanković, JPRMPC, Vol. 1, No. 1, 10-14 (2016)

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