Табела 6.5. Листа одбрањених докторских дисертација у установи у претходне три школске године са резултатима који су објављени или прихваћени за објављивање


Име кандидата

Име ментора

Назив дисертације/ година одбране

Публиковани резултати комплетне податке за сваки рад

(аутори, назив рада, часопис, година)


Школска 2011/12


Зорица Стојановић-Радић




Проф. др Љиљана Чомић

Биотичка aктивност етарских уља одабраних биљака из фамилије Asteraceae и механизми њиховог

антибактеријског деловања у условима in vitro




1.      Stojanović-Radić Z., Čomić Lj., Radulović N., Blagojević P., Miltojević A., Denić M., Rajković J., Mihajlov Krstev T. 2011. Antistaphylococcal activity of Inula helenium L. root essential oil: eudesmene sesquiterpene lactones indice cell membrane damage. European Journal of clinical Microbiology and Infection Diseases. 31(6):1015-25. Doi: 10.1007/s10096-011-1400-1. ISSN 934-9723







Проф.др Живадин Бугарчић

Испитивање кинетике и механизма реакција комплекса  Pt(II) и Pd(II) са биолошки значајним лигандима



1.        Jovana Rosić , Biljana V. Petrović,  Miloš I. Đuran,  Živadin D.  Bugarčić ; Thermodynamic and Kinetic Studies on Reactions of Pt(II) Complexes with Pyrazole, Pyridazine and 1,2,4-Triazole Monat.  Chem., 2007, 138, 1-11.

2.        Živadin D. Bugarčić , Jovana Rosić , Biljana V.  Petrović , Nadine Summa,  Ralph Puchta,  Rudi van Eldik ; Kinetics and mechanism of the substitution reactions of [PtCl(bpma]+, [PtCl(gly-met- S,N,N)] and their aqua analogs with L-methionine, glutathione and 5’-GMP J.  Biol. Inorg. Chem., 2007, 12, 1141 -1150.

3.        Jovana Bogojeski,  Živadin D. Bugarčić, Ralph Puchta, van Eldik Rudi; Kinetic studies on the reactions of different bifunctional platinum(II) complexes with selected nucleophiles Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2010, 5439-5445.

4.        Јоvana Bogojeski, Živadin D. Bugarčić; Kinetics and thermodynamic studies on reactions of [PtCl(bpma)]+ and [Pt(bpma)H2O]2+ with some azoles and diazines.Transition Met. Chem., 2011, 36, 73-78.

5.        Jovana Bogojeski, Ratomir Jelić, Dejan Petrović, Eberhardt Herdtweck, Peter G. Jones, Matthias Tamm, Živadin D. Bugarčić; Equilibrium studies of the reactions of palladium(II) bis(imidazolin-2-imine) complexes with biologically relevant nucleophiles. The crystal structures of [(TLtBu)PdCl]ClO4 and [(BLiPr)PdCl2] Dalton Trans., 2011, 40, 6515-6523.
























Смиљана Марковић




Проф. др Биљана Петровић

Кинетичка испитивања реакције диспропорцио-нисања јодне киселине у растворима сумпорне киселине



1.      S. Marković, N. Rakićević, Dertermination of the rate of iodous acid disproportionation in aqueous sulfuric acid solution, React. Kinet, Catal. Lett, 2006, 89, 3

2.      S. Marković, M.Čekerevac, The rate of disproportionation reaction of iodous acid at different acidity values in aqueous sulfuric acisd solution, React. Kinet. Catal. Lett, 2009, 97, 13.

3.    S. Marković, B. Petrović, Kinetics of the disproportionation reaction of HIO2 in acidic aqueous solutions, Inter. J. Chem. Kinetics, 2010,42, 687.

4.    R. Jelić, S. Marković, B. Petrović, Equilibrium studies on complex formation reactions of dichlorido[1,2-trans-R,Rdiaminocyclohexane] platinum(II) complex with ligands of biological significanc, Monatsh. Chem. (2011), 142, 985.














Косанић Маријана



Проф.др Бранислав Ранковић

Биолошка активност екстраката и секундарних метаболита лишајева




1.        Kosanić M, Ranković B and Stanojković T. 2012. Antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer activity of three Umbilicaria species, Journal of Food Science, 77(1):T20-5, (ISSN 0022-1147)

2.        Ranković B, Kosanić M and Stanojković T. 2011. Antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer activity of the lichens Cladonia furcata, Lecanora atra and Lecanora muralis, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 11:97, (ISSN 1472-6882)

3.        Kosanić M, Ranković B. ­2011. Аntioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of Some Lichens and Their Constituents, Јournal of М­edicinal Fоd, 14(12):1624-30, (ISSN 1096-620X)

4.        Kosanić M, Ranković B and Vukojević J. 2011. Antioxidant properties of some lichen species, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 48 (5): 584-590, (ISSN 0022-1155)

5.        Kosanić M, Ranković B. 2011. Lichens as possible sources of antioxidants, Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 24 (2): 167-170, (ISSN 1011-601X)

6.        Kosanić M, Ranković B. 2011. Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of different Lichens Extracts and Lichen Acid, Research Journal of Biotechnology, 6 (1): 23-26, (ISSN 0973-6263)

7.        Kosanić M, Ranković B and Surdolak S. 2010. Antimicrobial activity of the lichen Lecanora frustulosa and Parmeliopsis hyperopta and their divaricatic acid and zeorin constituents, African Journal of Microbiology Research, 4(9):885-890, (ISSN 1996-0808)

8.        Ranković B, Mišić M and Sukdolak S. 2009. Antimicrobial activity of extracts of the lichens Cladonia furcata, Parmelia caperata, Parmelia pertusa, Hypogymnia physodes and Umbilicaria polyphylla, Biologia, 64 (1): 53-58, (ISSN 0006-3088)

9.        Ranković B, Mišić M and Sukdolak S. 2008. The antimicrobial activity of substances derived from the lichens Physcia aipolia, Umbilicaria polyphylla, Parmelia caperata and Hypogymnia physodes, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 24(7):1239-1242, (ISSN 0959-3993)

10.    Ranković B, Mišić M and Sukdolak S. 2007. Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of the lichens Lasallia pustulata, Parmelia sulcata, Umbilicaria crustulosa and Umbilicaria cylindrica, Microbiology, 76 (6): 723-727, (ISSN 0026-2617)























































Проф.др Александар Цветковић

Квадратурне формуле са максималним


степеном тачности





1.      G.V. Milovanović, A.S. Cvetković, Z.M. Marjanović, Connection of semi-integer trigonometric orthogonal polynomials with Szegö polynomials, Lecture Notes in Comput Sci. 4310 (2007), 394-401.

2.   A. S. Cvetković, M.P. Stanić, Z.M. Marjanović A.,

T.V. Tomović: Asymptotic behavior of orthogonal trigonometric polynomials of semi-integer degree, Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (23) (2012), 11528-11533.








Љиљана Пауновић




Проф. др Стојан Раденовић

Прилог теорији контрактивних пресликавања у уређеним Банаховим просторима  




1.   S. Radojevic, Lj. Paunovic, S. Radenovic,

       Abstract metric spaces and Hardy-Rogers- type

       theorems, Appl. Math. Lett. 24(4), 553-558


       9659 (IF:1.155).

2M. Filipovic, Lj. Paunovic, S. Radenovic, M.

      Rajovic, Remarks on Cone Metric Spaces and  

      Fixed Point Theorems of T-KannaContractive

      Mappings, Math And Computer Modeling, vol. 54,

      Issue 5-6, Septembar 2011, pages 1467-

      1472,ISSN:  0895-7177, (IF: 1.066).

3D. Dukic, Lj. Paunovic, S. Radenovic,

      Convergence of iterates with error of uniformly  

      quasi-Lipschitzian mapping in cone metric spaces,

       Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 35,

      Number 3 (2011), pp. 399-410, ISSN:1450-9628.

















Проф.др Љиљана Чомић

Ефекат биљних екстраката на раст изабраних врста бактерија и њихово синергистичко деловање са антибиотицима in vitro



1.  Stefanović O, Čomić Lj, Stanojević D. 2009. Inhibitory effect of Torilis anthriscus on growth of microorganisms. Central European Journal of Biology. 4(4): 493-498. ISSN 189-104X

2.  Stefanović O, Čomić Lj, Stanojević D, Solujić-Sukdolak S. 2009. Antibacterial activity of Aegopodium podagraria L. extracts and interaction between extracts and antibiotics. Turkish Journal of Biology. 33:145-150. ISSN 1300-0152            

3.  Stefanovic O, Stankovic M, Comic Lj. 2011. In vitro antibacterial efficacy of Clinopodium vulgare L. extracts and their synergistic interaction with antibiotics. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5: 4074-4079. ISSN 1996-0875

4.  Stefanovic O, Comic Lj. 2011. Inhibitory effect of Cytisus nigricans L. and Cytisus capitatus Scop. On growth of bacteria. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 5: 4725-4730. ISSN 1996-0808

5.  Stefanović O, Stanojević D, Čomić Lj. 2012. Synergistic antibacterial activity of Salvia officilalis  and Cichorium intibus extracts and antibiotics. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica - Drug Research, 69, 3:457-463. ISSN 0001-6837

























Проф.др Срећко Трифуновић

Синтеза и карактеризација неких комплекса паладијума(II) и њихова потенцијална биолошка активност




1.          G. P. Vasić, V. V. Glođović, I. D. Radojević, O. D. Stefanović, Lj. R. Čomić, V. M. Đinović and S. R. Trifunović, Stereospecific ligand and their complexes. V. Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of palladium(II) complexes with some alkyl esters of (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N′-di-2-propanoic acid, Inorg. Chim. Acta 363 (2010) 3606-3610; ISSN: 0020-1693; DOI: 10.1016/j.ica.2010.05.046

2.         G. P. Radić, V. V. Glođović, G. N. Kaluđerović, F. W. Heinemann and S. R. Trifunović, Palladium(II) complexes with R2edda derived ligands. Part V. Reaction of O,O′-diethyl-(S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N′-di-2-(3-methyl)butanoate with K2[PdCl4], Trans. Met. Chem. 36 (2011) 331-336 ISSN: 0340-4285; DOI: 10.1007/s11243-011-9473-3

3.         G. P. Radić, V. V. Glođović, I. D. Radojević, O. D. Stefanović, Lj. R. Čomić, Z. R. Ratković, A. Valkonen, K. Rissanen and S. R. Trifunović, Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of palladium(II) complexes with some alkyl derivates of thiosalicylic acids. Crystal structure of bis(S-benzil-thiosalicylate)-palladium(II) complex, [Pd(S-bz-thiosal)2], Polyhedron,31 (2012) 69-76: DOI: 10.1016/j.poly. 2011.08.042

4.         I. D. Radojević, V. V. Glođović, G. P. Radić, J. M. Vujić, O. D. Stefanović, Lj. R. Čomić and S. R. Trifunović, From Synthesis to Antibacterial Activity of Some New Palladium(II) and Platinum(IV) Complexes. Chapter in “Antibacterial Agents/Book1” ISBN: 979-953-307-281-3

5.         G. P. Radić, V. V. Glođović, Z. R. Ratković, S. B. Novaković, S. G. Granda, L. Roces, L. M. Taboada, I. D. Radojević, O. D. Radojević. Lj. R. Čomić and S. R. Trifunović, Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of novel platinum(IV) and palladium(II) complexes with 1,2-diphenyl-ethylenediamine-N,N′-di-3-propanoic acid. Crystal structure of H2-1,2-dpheddp·2HCl·H2O, submitted .J. Mol. Struct..

6.         G. P. Radić, V. V. Glođović, I. D. Radojević, O. D. Stefanović, Lj. R. Čomić, V. M. Đinović and S. R. Trifunović, Stereospecific ligands and their complexes. X. Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of palladium(II) complexes with some alkyl esters of (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N′-di-2-(3-methyl)-butanoic acid, Inorg. Chim. Acta ISSN: 0020-1693; DOI: 10.1016/j.ica.2012.05.018

7.         G. P. Radić, V. V. Glođović, Z. R. Ratković, M. Milovanović, V. Volarević, N. Arsenijević and S. R. Trifunović, Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity of novel platinum(IV) and palladium(II) complexes with meso-1,2-diphenyl--ethylenediamine-N,N′-di-3-propanoic acid, submitted, Polyhedron.



























































Проф.др Драгослав Никезић

Примена ИЦРП66 дозиметријског модела респираторног тракта за израчунавање ефективне дозе реалне популације изложене радону





1.   Nikezić, D., Yu, K.N. and Vučić, D. Absorbed

      Fraction and Dose Conversion Coefficients of

      Alpha Particles for Radon Dosimetry Physics in  

      Medicine  and Biology 46 (7), pp:1963-1974   

      (2001),ISSN  0031- 9155      

2 Nikezic, D., Yu, K.N, Cheung, T.T.K., Haque,

      A.K.M.M. and Vučić, D. Effects of different lung

      morphometry models on the calculated dose

      conversion factor from Rn progeny, Journal of

      Environmental Radioactivity 47, pp.263-277

      (2000)  ISSN 0265-931X   

3.  Yu, K.N, Cheung, T.T.K., Haque, A.K.M.M.,

      Nikezic, D., B.M.F.Lau and Vučić, D. Radon

      progeny dose conversion coefficients for Chinese

      males and females, Journal of Environmental

      Radioactivity 56, pp.327-340 (2001), ISSN 0265-














Виолета Марковић




Проф. др Милан Јоксовић

Синтеза, спектрална карактеризација и механистичке студије нових пиразолских и пиразолонских деривата



1.      M. D. Joksović, V. Marković, Z. D. Juranić, T. Stanojković, Lj. S. Jovanović, I. S. Damljanović, K. Meszaros Szecsenyi, N. Todorović, S. Trifunović, R. D. Vukicević, Synthesis, characterization and antitumor activity of novel N-substituted α-amino acids containing ferrocenyl pyrazole-moiety, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 694, (2009), 3935-3942.

2.      M. D. Joksović, G. Bogdanović, V. Kojić, K. Meszaros Szecsenyi, V. M. Leovac, D. Jakimov, S. Trifunović, V. Marković, Lj. Joksović, Synthesis, cytotoxic activity, and thermal studies of novel N-[(1,3-Diphenylpyrazol-4-yl)methyl] α-amino acids, Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry 47 (2010) 850-856.

3.      S. Marković, M. D. Joksović, P. Bombicz, V. M. Leovac, V. Marković, Lj. Joksović, Theoretical study on structural and mechanistic aspects of synthesis of a 3-aminopyrazole derivative, Tetrahedron, 66, (2010), 6205-6211.

4.      V. Marković, S. Erić, Z. D. Juranić, T. Stanojković, Lj. Joksović, B. Ranković, M. Kosanić, M. D. Joksović, Synthesis, antitumor activity and QSAR studies of some 4-aminomethylidene derivatives of edaravone, Bioorganic Chemistry, 39, (2011), 18-27.

5.      5. V. Marković, S. Erić, T. Stanojković, N. Gligorijević, S. Aranđelović, N. Todorović, S. Trifunović, N. Manojlović, R. Jelić, M. D. Joksović, Antiproliferative activity and QSAR studies of a series of new 4-aminomethylidene derivatives of some pyrazol-5-ones, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 21, (2011), 4416-4421.

































Проф.др Иван Гутман

Прилог познавању електронских особина полибензо-анелираних конјугованих молекула




1.      Gutman, S. Jeremić, V. Petrović,  Extending the PCP rule,  Indian Journal of Chemistry,  48A (2009) 658-662.

2.      B. Furtula, I. Gutman, S. Jeremić, S. Radenković, Effect of a ring on cyclic conjugation in another ring: Applications to acenaphthylene-type polycyclic conjugated molecules, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society,  75 (2010) 83-90.

3.      S. Jeremić, S. Radenković, I. Gutman, Cyclic conjugation in benzo-annelated triphenylenes, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 75 (2010) 943-950.

4.      A. T. Balaban, J. Đurđević, I. Gutman, S. Jeremić, S. Radenković,  Correlations between local aromaticity indices of bipartite conjugated hydrocarbons, Journal of Physical Chemistry,  A 114 (2010) 5870-5877.

5.      S. Jeremić, S. Radenković, I. Gutman,  Cyclic conjugation in benzo-annelated coronenes, Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 29 (2010) 63-69.


























Проф.др Владимир Ристић

Нетерина теорема и теорије типа кориговане Aмосов-Делоне-Крајнов теорије  




1.      V.M. Ristić and M.M. Radulović, Corollary to Noether's theorem about the conservation of angular momentum and spin in theories that are dealing with strong laser fields, Laser Phys. Lett., Vol. 1, No. 2, 79-81 (2004) ISSN: 1612-2011  DOI: 10.1002/lapl.200310024   

2.      V.M. Ristić, M.M. Radulović and T.S. Premović, Turning point behaviour in tunnel ionization of atoms in super-strong, low-frequency laser fields. Laser Phys. Lett., Vol. 2, No. 6, 314-317 (2005) ISSN: 1612-2011 DOI: 10.1002/lapl.200410187

3.      V.M. Ristić, J.M. Stevanović and M.M. Radulović, Transition rate dependence on the improved turning point in ADK-theory. Laser Phys. Lett., Vol. 3, No. 6, 298-300 (2006) ISSN: 1612-2011  DOI: 10.1002/lapl.200610009

4.      V.M. Ristić, T.B. Miladinović and M.M. Radulović, Transition Rate Dependence on the  Non-Zero Initial Momentum in the ADK-Theory.  Acta Phys. Pol. A, Vol. 112, No. 5, 909-914 (2007) ISSN: 0587-4246   

5.      V.M. Ristić, T.B. Miladinović and M.M. Radulović,  Analyzing the Transition Rates of the Ionization of Atoms by Strong Fields of a CO2 Laser Including Nonzero Initial Momenta. Laser Phys., Vol. 18, No. 10, 1183-1187 (2008) ISSN: 1054-660   

6.      V.M. Ristić, T.B. Miladinović and M.M. Radulović, Calculating Ionization Transition Rate for Circularly Polarized Fields, Including Non-Zero Initial Momentum., Acta Phys.  Pol. A, Vol. 116, No. 4, 504-506 (2009) ISSN: 0587-424   

7.      V.M. Ristić, M.M. Radulović and T.B. Miladinović. Stern-Gerlach Experiment’s

       Interpretations and Noether’s Theorem,   Int. J.

       Theor. Phys., Vol. 50, No. 11, 3602-360 (2011)

       ISSN: 0020-7748






































Др Синиша Јешић

Ставови о непокретној тачки на просторима са недетермини-






1.   Ješić, S. N., Babačev, N. A., O’ Regan, D.,

      Nikolić, M. R., Common fixed point theoremsfor  

      four mappings defined on L-fuzzy metric spaces  

      with nonlinear contractive type conditions, Fixed  

      point Theory, 10 No. 2 (2009), 259-274, ISSN

      1583-5022, (IF: 0,700)

2.   D. Djurčić, R. Nikolić, A. Torgašev, The weak

      asymptotic equivalence and generalized inverse,

      Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, Vol. 50 No. 1

      (2010), 34-42, ISSN 0363-1672 (IF: 0,486)

3.   D. Djurčić, R. Nikolić, A. Torgašev, The weak  

      and strong asymptotic equivalenceн relations and

      generalized inverse, Lithuanian Mathematical

      Journal, Vol. 51 No.  (2011), 472-476, ISSN  

      0363- 1672 (IF: 0,486)












Бранкица Јовановић



Проф.др Драгослав Никезић

Симулација ефекта „посматрача“ изазваног алфа зрачењем, у бифуркацио

ној структури трахео бронхијалног стабла човека



1. Nikezić, B. Novaković, K. N. Yu. Absorbed  

    fraction of radon progeny in human bronchial

    airways with bifurcation geometry. International

    Journal of  Radiation Biology, vol. 79, no. 3,   pp

    175-180 (2003). ИФ 4.285, ISSN 0360-3016.  

2.  B. Jovanović, D. Nikezić. Probability of bystander

     effect induced by alpha-particles emitted by radon  

     progeny using the analytical model of

     tracheobronchial tree. Radiation Protection

     Dosimetry 142(2-4), pp 168-73 (2010).   ИФ 0.996,

     ISSN 0144-8420.

3.  B. Jovanović, D. Nikezić. Probability of bystander

     effect per mSv induced by α-particle radiation.

     Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry

     289(3), pp751-755 (2011). ИФ 0.777,.ISSN 0236-


4. B. Jovanović, D. Nikezić. Dependence of the

    probability of biological effects per hit, induced by   

    radiation emitted by 222Rn, from alpha particle

    energies and the geometry of tracheobronchial tree.

    Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry

    289(3), pp 939-944 (2011); ИФ 0.777, ISSN 0236-


5. B. Jovanović, D. Nikezić, N. Stevanović. Applied

    mathematical modeling for calculating the  

    probability of the cell killing per hit in the human

    lung. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear

    Chemistry,Volume 290, Number 3, pp 607-613

    (2011);  ИФ 0.777, ISSN 0236-5731.





























Проф.др Срећко Трифуновић

Синтеза, карактеризација и потенцијална цитотоксичност О,О-диалкил-(S,S)-етилендиамин-N,N-ди-2-(4-метил)-пентаноата и одговарајућих паладијум(II), платина(II) и платина(IV) комплекса




1.   J.M. Vujić, M. Cvijović, G.N. Kaluđerović, M. Milovanović, B.B. Zmejkovski, V. Volarević, N. Arsenijević, T.J. Sabo and S.R. Trifunović,  Palladium(II) complexes with R2edda derived ligands. Part IV. O,O'-dialkyl esters of (S,S)-
'-di-2-(4-methyl)-pentanoic acid dihydrochloride and their palladium(II) complexes: synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumoral activity against chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 45 (2010) 3601–3606; ISSN:0223-5234; DOI:10.1016/j.ejmech.2010.05.005

2.   J.M. Vujić, G.N. Kaluđerović, M. Milovanović, B.B. Zmejkovski, V. Volarević, D. Živić, P.M. Đurđević, N. Arsenijević and S.R. Trifunović, Stereospecific ligands and their complexes. Part VII. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumoral activity of platinum(II) complexes with O,O '-dialkyl esters of (S,S)-ethylenediamine-
'-di-2-(4-methyl)pentanoic acid, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 46 (2011) 4559-4565; ISSN: 0223-5234; DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2011.07.034

3.   J.M. Vujić, G.N. Kaluđerović, B.B. Zmejkovski, M. Milovanović, V. Volarević, N. Arsenijević, T.P. Stanojković and S.R. Trifunović, Stereospecific ligands and their complexes. Part X. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumoral activity of platinum(IV) complexes with O,O'-dialkyl-(S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2-(4-methyl)pentanoate ligands Inorg. Chim. Acta 390 (2012) 123-128; ISSN: 0020-1693; DOI:10.1016/j.ica.2012.03.048

4.   J.M. Vujić, S. Garcia-Granda, L. Menendez-Taboada, S.B. Novaković and S.R. Trifunović Stereospecific ligands and their complexes. Part XIV. Crystal structure of O,O'-dipropyl ester of (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2-(4-methyl)-pentanoic acid dihydrochloride J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 77 (2012) 1-11; ISSN: 0352-5139; DOI:10.2298/JSC120208041V





































Др Зорка Станић

Примена сулфидних минерала као потенциометријских сулфидних сензора за ацидо-базне титрације у неким неводеним растварачима



     1.    1. M. Antonijević, Z. Simić, Z. Petrović, “Natural Sulphide Minerals as Sensors for Determination of Total Acidity of Humic and Fulvic Acids“, Sensor Letters, 7 (2009) 523.                                 

2.         2. Zoran Simić, Zorka Stanić, Milan Antonijević, Use of sulphide minerals as electrode  sensors for acid-base potentiometric titrations in non-aqueous solvents and their application for the determination of certain biologically active substances Sensor Letters, 8, (2010) 784. 3.

3. Zoran Simić, Zorka Stanić, Milan Antonijević,  

    Application of Pyrite and Chalcopyrite Electro-des    

    for the Acid-Base Determinations in Nitriles" J.

    Braz. Chem. Soc., 22 (2011) 709.

















Проф.др Љиљана Чомић

Микробиолошки аспекти примене информационих система у мониторингу акумулација и језера



1.   Ranković V, Radulović J, Radojević I, Ostojić A, Ĉomić Lj 2010. Neural network modeling of dissolved oxygen in the Gruža reservoir, Srbija. Ecological modelling. 221: 1239-1244. ISSN 0304-3800

2.   Ranković V, Radulović J, Radojević I, Ostojić A, Ĉomić Lj 2012. Prediction of dissolved oxygen in reservoirs using adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system, Journal of hydroinformatics. 14(1): 167-179. ISSN1464-7141

3.   Stefanović D, Radojević I, Ĉomić Lj, Ostojić A, Topuzović M, Kaplarević-Mališić A 2012. Management Information System of Lakes and Reservoirs. Water Resources. 39(4):488–495. ISSN 0097-8078

4.   Radojević I, Stefanović D, Ĉomić Lj, Ostojić A, Topuzović M, Stefanović N 2012. Total coliforms and data mining as a tool in water quality monitoring. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 6(10): 2346-2356. ISSN 1996-0808





















Проф.др Марина Топузовић

Биолошки ефекти секундарних метаболита врсте рода Teucrium L. Флоре Србије    




1.     Stanković SM, Topuzović M, Solujić S, Mihailović V. 2010. Antioxidant activity and concentration of phenols and flavonoids in the whole plant and plant parts of Teucrium chamaedrys L. var. glanduliferum Haussk. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 4(20):2092-2098, ISSN: 1996-0875

2.     Stanković SM, Topuzović M, Marković A, Pavlović D, Solujić S, Nićiforović N, Mihailović V. 2010. Antioxidant activity, phenol and flavonoid contents of different Teucrium chamaedrys L. extracts. 2nd Balkan Scientific Conference on Biology, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment. 24(2):82-86, ISSN: 1310-2818.

3.     Stanković SM, Ćurčić GM, Žižić BJ, Topuzović DM, Solujić RS, Marković DS. 2011. Teucrium plant species as natural sources of novel anticancer compounds: antiproliferative, proapoptotic and antioxidant properties. International Journal of Molecular Science, 12(7):4190-4205, ISSN: 1422-0067

4.     Stanković SM, Nićiforović N, Topuzović M, Solujić S. 2011. Total phenolic content, flavonoid concentrations and antioxidant activity, of the whole plant and plant parts extracts from Teucrium montanum L. var. montanum, f. supinum (L.) Reichenb. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment. 25(1):2222-2227, ISSN: 1310-2818

5.     Stanković SM, Stefanović O, Čomić Lj, Topuzović M, Radojević I, Solujić S. 2012. Antimicrobial activity, total phenolic content and flavonoid concentrations of Teucrium species. Central European Journal of Biology. 7(4):664-671, ISSN: 1895-104X

6.     Stanković SM, Nićiforović N, Mihailović V, Topuzović M, Solujić S. 2012. Antioxidant activity, total phenolic content and flavonoid concentrations of different plant parts of Teucrium polium L. subsp. polium. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 117-122, doi: 10.5586/aspb.xxx., ISSN: 0001-6977




































Марија Д. Живковић



Проф. др Милош Ђуран

Хидролиза пептида који садрже L-метионин и
L-хистидин помоћу различитих комплекса паладијума(II) и платине(II)




1.  M. D. Živković, S. Rajković, U. Rychlewska, B.    
Warżajtis and M I. Djuran, Study of the reactions of methionine- and histidine-containing peptides with palladium(II) complexes: Key role of steric crowding on palladium(II) in selective cleavage of the peptide bond Polyhedron,  26 (2007) 1541-1549.

2.   M. D. Živković, SRajković,  M. I. Djuran, Reaction of [Pt(Gly-Gly-N,N',O)I]- with the N-acetylated dipeptide L-methionyl-L-histidine: Selective platination of the histidine side chain by
intramolecular migration of the platinum(II) complex  Bioorganic Chemistry,  36(3)  (2008) 161-164. 

3.   S. Rajkovic, B. D. Glisic, M. D. Živković, M. I.
Djuran, Hydrolysis of the amide bond in methionine-containing peptides catalyzed by various palladium(II) complexes: Dependence of the hydrolysis rate on the steric bulk of the
catalyst  Bioorganic Chemistry, 37(5) (2009) 173-179.    

4.   S. Rajković,  M. D. Živković,  C. Kállay,  I. Sóvágó, 
M. I. Djuran, A study of the reactions of a methionine and histidine-containing tetrapeptide with different Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes: The selective cleavage of the amide bond by platination of the  peptide and steric modification of the catalyst   Dalton Transactions, 2009, 8370-8377.

5.   M. D. Živković, D. P. Ašanin, S. Rajković and M. I. Djuran, Hydrolysis of the amide bond in N-acetylated L-methionylglycine catalyzed by various platinum(II) complexes under physiologically relevant conditions Polyhedron, 30(6) (2011) 947-952.




































Проф. др Мирослав Петровић

Графови чија је најмања карактеристична вредност минимална у неким класама графова



1.   M. Petrović, B. Borovićanin, T. Aleksić, Bicyclic graphs for which the least eigenvalue is minimum, Linear Algebra Appl. 430 (2009), 1328-1335.

2.   M. Petrović, Т. Aleksić, V. Simić, On the least eigenvalue of cacti, Linear Algebra Appl. 435 (2011) 2357-2364.

3.   M. Petrović, Т. Aleksić, S. Simić, Further results on the least eigenvalue of connected graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 435 (2011) 2303-2313.








Школска 2012/13


Небојша Даниловић



Проф.др Бранислав Чабрић

Регулација кристализаци

је у лабораториј

ским пећима  



1.      B.Čabrić, N.Danilović, B.Žižić. A crystallization cooler in a chamber furnace. J.Cryst.Growtf, 169, 199-200 (1996). ISSN 0022-0248

2.      B. Čabrić, N.Danilović, T.Pavlović. Regulation of the  crystallization of BaNi2(PO2)2 in a chamber furnace. Cryst.Res.Technol. 31 (5) K58-K59  (1996). ISSN 0232-1300

3.      B.Čabrić, N.Danilović. Crystallization columns in a laboratory furnace. J.Appl.Cryst. 42, 545-546 (2009), ISSN 0021-8898

4.      B. B.Čabrić, N.Danilović. Test tube for obtaining crystals. J.Appl.Cryst. 42, 1205 (2009), ISSN 0021-8898

5.      B.Čabrić, N.Danilović. Cooler  for obtaining crystals. Cryst.Res.Technol. 46 (3) 292-294 (2011). ISSN 0232-1300

6.      B.Čabrić, N.Danilović, A.Janićijević. Tube for obtaining crystals in a laboratory furnace. Instr.Exp.Tech., 54 (2), 282-283 (2011) ISSN 0020-4412

7.      B. Čabrić, N.Danilović, A.Janićijević. Simultaneous  crystallization testing in a laboratory furnace. Am.Lab., 43 (7), 18-19 (2011) ISSN 0044-7749

























Биљана Ђ. Глишић




Проф.др Милош Ђуран

Синтеза и карактеризација комплекса злата(III) са неким дипептидима



1.   U. Rychlewska, B. Warżajtis, B. Đ. Glišić, S.

       Rajković and M. I. Djuran, Crystallographic 

       evidenc  of Gly-D,L-Met oxidation to its

       sulfoxide in the presence of gold(III): solid

       solution of the racemic  mixture of two

       diastereoisоmers, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. C:

       Cryst. Struct. Commun., 66 (2010) 51-54.

2.    B. Đ. Glišić, S. Rajković, M. D. Živković and M.

       I.  Djuran, A comparative study of the complex     

       formation in the reactions of gold(III) with Gly-

       Gly, Gly-L-Ala and Gly-L-His dipeptides,

       Bioorg. Chem 38 (2010) 144-148.

3.    U. Rychlewska, B. Warżajtis, B. Đ. Glišić, M. D.   

       Živković, S. Rajković and M. I. Djuran,    

       Monocationic  gold(III) Gly-L-His and L-Ala-L-

       His dipeptide  complexes: crystal structures

       arising from solvent free and solvent-containing

       crystal formation and structural modifications

       tuned by counter-anions,  Dalton Trans., 39

       (2010) 8906-8913.

4.    B. Đ. Glišić, S. Rajković, Z. Stanić and M. I.

       Djuran, A spectroscopic and electrochemical

       investigation of the oxidation pathway of glycyl-

       D,L-methionine and  its N-acetyl derivative

       induced by gold(III), Gold Bull., 44 (2011) 91-98.

5.    B. Đ. Glišić, U. Rychlewska and M. I. Djuran,

       Reactions and structural characterization of

       gold(III) complexes with amino acids, peptides

       and proteins, Dalton Trans., 41 (2012) 6887-


6.    B. Đ. Glišić, S. Rajković, M. I. Djuran, The 

       Reactions of [Au(dien)Cl]2+ with L-histidine-

      containing   dipeptides. Dependence of complex

      formation on the dipeptide structure, J. Coord.

      Chem 66 (2013) 424-434.




































Проф.др Растко Вукићевић

Електрохемијско бромовање естрогена и заштићених гликала



1.      Damljanović, M. D. Vukićević, R. D. Vukićević, Electrochemical A-ring bromination of estrogens, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 80 (2007) 407.

2.      I. Damljanović, M. D. Vukićević, D. D. Manojlović, N. Sojic, O. Buriez, R. D. Vukićević, Electrochemical bromination of peracetylated D-glucal: Effect of DMSO on chemoselectivity, Electrochim. Acta, 55 (2010) 965.

3.      I. Damljanović, D. Stevanović, M. D. Vukićević, R. D. Vukićević, Electrochemical bromochlorina-tion of peracetylated glycals, Carbohyd. Res., 346 (2011) 2683.











Милка Рајковић



Проф.др Владица Симић

Дистрибуција, филогенија, екологија и конзервација ракова из фамилије Аstacidae на подручју Црне Горе



1.     Simić V, Petrović A, Rajković M, Paunović M. 2008. Crayfish of Serbia and Montenegro — the population status and the level of endangerment. Crustaceana, 81(10): 1153-1176(24), ISSN: 0011-216х

2.     Rajkovic M, Petrovic A, Maguire I, Simic V, Simic S, Paunovic M. 2012. Discovery of a new population of the species complex of the white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes/italicus (Decapoda, Astacidae) in Montenegro, range extension, endangerment, and conservation. Crustaceana. 85(3): 333-347, ISSN: 0011-216х











Проф.др Предраг Ђурђевић

Проучавање бинарних равнотежа у растворима гадолинијум (III) и алуминијум(III) јона у присуству флуорохинолона офлоксацина и моксифлоксацина




1.  P. Đurđević, M. Jelikić-Stankov, I. Lazarević, The

      effect of surfactancts on equilibria in luminum(III)

      ion+ofloxacin solutions and adsorption of floxacin

      on aluminum-oxide, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 74,

      1261-1271, 2001. IF=1,376;  ISSN 0009-2673

2.   P. Đurđević, R. Jelić, Lj. Joksović, I. Lazarević, 

      M. Jelkić-Stankov, Study of solution equilibria

      between gadolinium(III) ion and moxifloxacin,

      Acta Chim.  Slov. 57, 386–397, 2010. IF=1,066;  

      ISSN 1318- 0207.

3.   M. Cvijović, V. Kilibarda, M. Jelikić-Stankov, I.

      Lazarević, I. Jakovljević, Lj. Joksović, P.

      Đurđević, ESI-MS Study of Speciation in

      Hydrolyzed Aluminum Chloride Solutions J. Braz.

      Chem. Soc., Vol. 00, No. 00, 1-11, 2012.

      IF=1,444; ISSN 0103-5053












Ђурађ Милошевић


проф.др Владица Симић

Ларве фамилије Chironomidae (Diptera, Insecta) слива Јужне Mораве и њихова примена у процени еколошког статуса текућих водених екосистема



1.      Milošević Dj., Simić, V., Stojković, M., Živić, I. (2012). Chironomid faunal composition represented by taxonomic distinctness index reveals environmental change in a lotic system over three decades. Hydrobiologia. 683:69-82 (ISSN 0018-8158). М22.

2.      Milošević Dj., Simić V., Stojković M., Čerba D., Mančev D., Petrović A., Paunović M. (2013).

Spatio-temporal pattern of the Chironomidae community: toward the use of non-biting midges in bioassessment programs. Aquatic Ecology. 47:37-55 (ISSN 1386-2588). М23.












Марија Марковић


проф.др Драгана Муратспахић

Сукцесије биљних заједница на пожариштима планине Видлич.



1.      Mаrković M., Pаvlović-Murаtspаhić D., Mаtović M., Mаrković A, Stаnkov-Jovаnović V.

(2009): Aromatic flora of the Vidlič Mountain, Biotechnology & Biotechnological equipment, 23

(2): 1225-1229, ISSN: 1310-2818, IF: 0,760, M23.

2.      Radulović N., Đorđević N., Marković M., Palić R. (2010): Volatile constituents of Glechoma

hirsuta Waldst. & Kit. and Glechoma hederacea L. (Lamiaceae), Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia, 24(1): 67-76, ISSN: 1011-3924, IF: 0,299. M23.

3.      Stankov-Jovanović P.V., Ilić D.M., Marković S.M., Mitić D.V., Nikolić-Mandić D.S., Stojanović S.G. (2011): Wild fire impact on copper, zinc, lead and cadmium distribution in soil and relation with abundance in selected plants of Lamiaceae family from Vidlic Mountain (Serbia). Chemosphere 84: 1584-1591,doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.05.048, ISSN: 0045-

6535, Elsevier, IF: 3,206, M21.

4.      Marković M., Pavlović D., Tošić S., Stankov-Jovanović V., Krstić N., Stamenković S., Mitrović T., Marković V. (2012): Chloroplast pigments in post-fire grown cryptophytes on Vidlič Mountain (Southeastern Serbia), Archives of Biological Sciences, 64 (2): 531-538, IF: 0,360  doi:

10.2298/ABS1202531M. ISSN: 0354-4664,























Томица Дивнић


проф.др Љиљана Павловић

Неки резултати о екстремним вредностима Рандићевог индекса на графовима



1.      Lj. Pavlovic, T. Divnic, A quadratic programming approach to the Randic index, European Journal of Operational Research, 2007, Vol. 176, Issue 1, pp. 435-444.(ISSN 0377-2217,

2.      B. Liu, Lj. Pavlovic, J. Liu, T. Divnic, M. Stojanovic, On the conjecture of Aouchiche and Hansen about the Randic index, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 313, Issue 3 (2013), pp. 225-235(ISSN 0012-365X

3.      T. Divnic, Lj. Pavlovic, Proof of the first part of the conjecture of Aouchiche and Hansen about the Randle index, Discrete Applied Mathematics,Vol.161, Issues 7-8, (2013), pp. 953-960(ISSN 0166-218X

4.      T. Divnic, M. Milivojevic, Lj. Pavlovic, Extremal graphs for the geometric-arithmetic index with given minimum degree, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.162, 2014, 386-390, (ISSN:0166-218X)

5.      T.Divnic, Lj. Pavlovic, B. Liu, Extremal graphs for the Randic index whwn minimum, maximum degrees and order of graphs are odd, Optimization, pp. 1-18. DOI: 10.1080/02331934.2014.919500; ISSN: 0233-1934.






















Владимир Ристић


проф.др Радосав Ђорђевић

Логике са интегралима и  условним очекивањима



1.      Ristic, V., Ikodinovic, N., Dordevic, R. (2011). Biprobability logics with conditional

expectation, Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 57, no.4, 400-408. DOl: IO.l002/malq.201010018. ISSN: 0942-5616, M23.

2.      Ristic, V. (2010). Completeness theorem for probability models with finitely many valued

measure in logic with integrals, Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, 34, 131-137.

ISSN: 1450-9628











Слађана Димитријевић


проф.др Љиљана Петровић

Статистичка теорија узрочности у непрекидном случају



1.      Lj.Petrović, S. Dimitrijević, Some Models of Causalityand Stochast Differential Equations driven by Fractional Brownian Motion, Facta Mat.Inform.  20 (2005)  113—122, ISSN 0352-9665   M51

2.      Lj.Petrović, S. Dimitrijević, Invariance of statistical causality under convergence, Statist.Probab.Lett. 81 (2011),  1445-1448, ISSN 0167-7152  M23

3.      Lj.Petrović, S. Dimitrijević, Statistical causality and adapted distrib, Czechoslovak Math.J. 61 (2011)  827-843, ISSN 0011-4642  M23

4.      Lj.Petrović, S. Dimitrijević, Causality with finite horizon of the past continuous time, Statist.Probab.Lett. 82 (2012),  1219—1223, ISSN 0167-7152  M23














Александар Пејчев


проф.дродраг Спалевић

Оцене грешака квадратурних формула Гаусовог типа за аналитичке функције



1.      M.M. Spalevic, M.S. Pranic, A.V. Pejcev, Maximum of the modulus of kernels of Gaussian quadrature formulae for one class of Bernstein-Szego weight functions, Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (2012) 5746--5756. ISSN: 0096-3003,

2.      A.V. Pejcev and M.M. Spalevic, On the remainder term of Gauss-Radau quadrature with Chebyshev weight of the third kind for analytic functions, Appl. Math. Comput. 219 (2012) 2760-2765. ISSN: 0096-3003, M21

3.      A.V. Pejcev and M.M. Spalevic, Error bounds for Gaussian quadrature formulae with Bernstein-Szego weights that are rational modifications of Chebyshev weight functions of the second kind, IMA J. Numer. Anal.. 32 (2012) 1733-1754. ISSN: 0272-4979, M21

4.      G.V. Milovanovic, A.V. Pejcev and M.M. Spalevic, A note on an  error bound of Gauss-Turan quadrature with the Chebyshev weight function of the first kind, Filomat, to appear. ISSN 0354-5180,


















мр Данијела Илић- Коматина


проф.др Растко Вукићевић

Синтеза и особине деривата фероцена са сумпором у бочном низу.



1.      D. Ilić, V. Kahlenberg, G. Laus, S. Milisavljević, R. D. Vukićević Crystal structure of rac- 2-(methylthio)propanoylferrocene, C14H16FeOS Z. Kristalogr. NCS 224 (2009) 711  ISSN: 1433-7266

2.      D. Ilić, I. S. Damljanović, D. Stevanović, M. D. Vukićević, N. S. Radulović,V. Kahlenberg, G. Laus, R. D. Vukićević, Synthesis, spectral characterization, electrochemical properties and antimicrobial screening of sulfur containing acylferrocenes  Polyhedron 29 (2010) 1863 М22 ISSN: 0277-5387

3.      D. Ilić, I. S. Damljanović, D. Stevanović, M. Vukićević, P. Blagojević, N. Radulović, R. D. Vukićević, Sulfur-containing ferrocenyl alcohols and oximes: new promising antistaphylococcal agents Chem. Biodivers. 9 (2012) 2236. ISSN: 1612-1872   М22

4.      D. Ilić, I. Damljanović, M. Vukićević, V. Kahlenberg, G. Laus, N. Radulović,  R. D. Vukićević, Dimethyl(2-oxo-2-ferrocenylethyl) sulfonium iodide—a useful synthetic equivalent of ferrocenoylcarbene in the synthesis of ferrocene-containing cyclopropanes. Tetrahedron Lett. 53 (2012) 6018.  ISSN: 0040-4039   




















Драгана Ваљаревић


проф.др Љиљана Петровић

Статистичка теорија узрочности, стохастичке диференцијалне једначине и својство мартингалне репрезентације



1.      Lj. Petrovic, D. Valjarevic, Facta Univ. Ser. Math. Inform. 20 (2005), 113-122. (ISSN 0352-9665

2.      Lj. Petrovic, D. Valjarevic, Statistical Causality, Extremal Measures and Weak Solutions of Stochastical Differential Equations With Driving Semimartingales, J.Math. Model. Algor., Vol. 9, (2010), 113-128. ISSN: 1570-1166.

3.      D. Valjarevic, Lj. Petrovic, Statistical causality and orthogonality of local martingales, Stat. Prob. Lett. 82 (2012), 1326--1330 (ISSN 0167-7152, M23)

4.      Lj. Petrovic, D. Valjarevic, Statistical Causality and stable subspaces of $HAp$, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., doi: 10.1017/S0004972712000482, (2012). ISSN:0004-9727 M23)













Владимир П.Петровић



проф. др Зорица Петровић

Диетаноламински паладијум(II)-комплекс као катализатор Хекове реакције.



1.      Petrović Z. D., Marković S., Simijonović D., Petrović V., Mechanistic insight into preactivation of a modern palladium catalyst precursor in phosphine-free Heck reactions, Monatsh. Chem., (2009) 140: 371-374.  ISSN (printed): 0026-9247.ISSN (electronic): 1434-4475  DOI 10.1007/s00706-008-0035-0  IF2009=1.312

2.      Marković S., Petrović Z. D, Petrović V., DFT study on the preactivation reaction of a palladium catalyst precursor in phosphine free Heck reaction, Monatsh. Chem., (2009),140: 171-175.  ISSN (printed): 0026-9247. ISSN (electronic): 1434-4475 DOI 10.1007/s00706-008-0072-8 

      IF2009 =1.312

3.      Petrović V. P., Petrović Z. D., Marković S., A new aspect of Heck catalyst formation, Monatsh. Chem., (2011), 142: 141–144.  DOI 10.1007/s00706-010-0439-5 ISSN: 0026-9247  IF2011=1.532

4.      Petrovic Z. D, Petrovic V. P., Simijonovic D., Markovic S., Mechanistic pathways for oxidative addition of aryl iodides to the low-ligated diethanolamine palladium(0) complex in phosphine-free Heck reactions, J. Organomet. Chem, (2009), 694: 3852- 3858.  doi:10.1016/j.jorganchem.2009.07.043 ISSN: 0022-328X IF2009= 2.347

5.      Petrović Z. D., Simijonović D., Petrović V. P., Marković S., Diethanolamine and N,N diethylethanolamine ionic liquids as precatalyst-precursors and reaction media in green Heck reaction protocol J. Mol. Cat. A. (2010) 327: 45-50.  doi:10.1016/j.molcata.2010.05.010 ISSN:1381-1169  IF2010=2.87

6.      Petrović V. P., Marković S., Petrović Z. D., Mechanistic insight into the formation of cinnamates in phosphine-free Heck reactions, Monatsh Chem (2012), 143: 1497–1502. DOI 10.1007/s00706-012-0808-3 ISSN: 0026-9247  IF2011=1.532

7.      Petrović Z. D., Petrović V. P., Simijonović D., Marković S. Stereoselective homogeneous catalytic arylation of methyl methacrylate: Experimental and computational study, J. Mol. Cat. A. (2012), 356: 144–151. doi:10.1016/j.molcata.2012.01.007 ISSN:1381-1169 IF2011=2.947













































Владимир Михаиловић


проф.др Славица Солујић

Секундарни метаболити биљака Gentiana asclepiadea L. и Gentiana cruciata L. са антибиотичком, антиоксидативном и хепатопротективном активношћу.



1.      Neda Nićiforović, Vladimir Mihailović, Pavle Mašković, Slavica Solujić, Ana Stojković, Dragana Pavlović-Muratspahić, Antioxidant activity of selected plant species; potential new sources of natural antioxidants, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48 (2010), 3125-3130. ISSN: 0278-6915 doi:10.1016/j.fct.2010.08.007 IF2011=2,999, Food Science & Technology 13/128

2.      Vladimir Mihailović, Nenad Vuković, Neda Nićiforović, Slavica Solujić, Milan Mladenović, Pavle Mašković, Milan S. Stanković. Studies on the antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of the essential oils and alcoholic extracts of Gentiana asclepiadea L., Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5 (2011), 1164-1174.   ISSN: 1996-0875 IF2010=0,879, Chemistry, Medicinal, 45/54

3.      Vladimir Mihailović, Mirjana Mihailović, Aleksandra Uskoković, Jelena Arambašić, Danijela Mišić, Vesna Stanković, Jelena Katanić, Milan Mladenović, Slavica Solujić, Sanja Matić. Hepatoprotective effects of Gentiana asclepiadea L. extracts against carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury in rates, Food and Chemical Toxicology 52 (2013), 83-90. ISSN: 0278-6915 doi:10.1016/j.fct.2012.10.034  IF2011=2,999, Food Science & Technology 13/128 




















Снежана Јовановић


проф.др Живадин Бугарчић

Механизам нуклеофилних супституционих реакција комплекса Pt(IV) и динуклеарних комплекса Pt(II)



1.      Jovanović Snežana, Petrović Biljana and Bugarčić D. Živadin, The Uv-Vis, HPLC and 1H NMR studies of the substitution reactions of some Pt(IV) complexes with 5´-GMP and L-histidine,  Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2010,  63,  2419-2430,  DOI 10.1080/00958972.2010.490296 ISSN  0095-8972  IF: 1,932  M22

2.      Jovanović Snežana, Petrović Biljana, Čanović Dragan  and Bugarčić D. Živadin, Kinetics of the substitution reactions of some Pt(II) complexes with 5´-GMP and L-histidine, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 2011,  43, 99-106,  DOI 10.1002/kon.20537 ISSN  0538-8066  IF: 1,007 

3.      Soldatović Tanja, Jovanović Snežana, Bugarčić D. Živadin and van Eldik Rudi, Substitution behaviour of novel dinuclear Pt(II) complexes with bio-relevant nucleophiles, Dalton Transactions, 2012, 41, 876-884, DOI 10.1039/c1dt11313e ISSN 1477-9226 IF 3.806

4.      Arsenijević Miloš, Milovanović Marija, Volarević Vladislav, Čanović Dragan, Arsenijević Nebojša, Soldatović Tanja, Jovanović Snežana and Bugarčić D. Živadin,  Cytotoxic properties of platinum(IV) and dinuclear platinum(II) complexes and their ligand substitution reactions with quanosine-5´-monophosphate, Transition Metal Chemistry, 2012,  37,  481-488,  DOI 10.1007/s11243-012-9613-4, ISSN 0340-4285, IF 1.022, 

5.      Jovanović Snežana, Petrović Biljana, Bugarčić D. Živadin and van Eldik Rudi,Reduction of some Pt(IV) complexes with biologically important sulfur-donor ligands,  Dalton Transactions, 2013, 42, 8890-8896; DOI 10.1039/C3DT500751C,  ISSN 1477-9226 IF 3.806 
































Вера Дивац



проф.др Зорица Бугарчић

Кинетика и механизам фенилселеноетерификације (Z)- и (Е)- хекс-4-ен-1-ола



1.      Zorica M. Bugarčić, Biljana M. Mojsilović, Vera M. Divac, Facile pyridine-catalyzed phenylselenoetherification of alkenols, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 272, 288–292 (2007)  ISSN 1381-1169, DOI:10.1016/j.molcata.2007.03.058,

2.      Vera M. Divac, Marina D. Rvović, Zorica M. Bugarčić, Rapid SnCl2 catalyzed phenylselenoetherification of (Z)- and (E)-hex-4-en-1-ols, Monatsh Chem, 139, 1373–1376 (2008) ISSN: 0026-9247, DOI:10.1007/s00706-008-0936-y, 

3.      Vera M. Divac, Zorica M. Bugarčić, Regio- and Stereoselectivity in Phenylselenoetherification of Z- and E- hex-4-en-1-ols, Synthesis, 21, 3684-3688 (2009), ISSN: 0039-7881, DOI:10.1007/s00706-006-0581-2,  

4.      Vera M. Divac, Ralph Puchta and Zorica M. Bugarčić, Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies of Base-Catalyzed Phenylselenoetherification of (Z)- and (E)-Hex-4-en-1-ols, J. Phys. Chem. A, 116 (30), 7783–7790 (2012), ISSN: 1089-5639,  dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp304314j,   























Марина Рвовић



проф.др Зорица Бугарчић

Механизам циклизационих реакција за синтезу прекурсора неких физиолошки важних једињења



1.      Z. M. Bugarčić, B. V. Petrović, M. D. Rvović, Kinetics and mechanism of the pyridine-catalyzed reaction of phenylselenenyl halides and some unsaturated alcohols. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical,  2008,  287(1-2), 171-175, ISSN 1381-1169,  M22

2.      Rvović D. Marina, Divac M.Vera, Puchta Ralf, Bugarčić M. Zorica, Mechanistic investigation of the base-promoted cycloselenoetherification of pent-4-en-1-ol,  Journal of Molecular Modeling,  2011, 17(6), 1251-1257,  ISSN 1610-2940,  M21

3.      Rvović D. Marina, Divac M.Vera, Radenković Ninko, Bugarčić M. Zorica, Cyclization of Unsaturated Alcohols. Mild and Efficient Selenocyclization of Pent-4-en-1-ol. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung section B-A Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2011, 66b, 1275-1277,  ISSN 0932-0776  













Школска 2013/14

мр Светлана Белошевић


проф.др Зоран Матовић

Структурне и електронске особине комплекса никал(II) са пентадентатним диаминотрикарбокслилатним лигандима



1.      Svetlana Belošević, Marina Ćendić, Auke Meetsma, Zoran Matović,  Crystal structure, configurational and DFT-NEDA analysis of nickel(II) complexes with pentadentate ed3a-type ligands,  Polyhedron, 50 (2013), 473-480,  ISSN 0277-5387

2.      Svetlana Belošević, Marina Ćendić, Maja Djukić, Miorad M. Vasojević, Auke Meetsma, Zoran D.Matović,  Crystal structure, configurational and density functional theory analysis of nickel(II) complexes with pentadentate 1,3-pd3a-type ligands,  Inorganica Chimica Acta, 399 (2013), 146-153,  ISSN 0020-1693

3.      Svetlana Belošević, Miorad M. Vasojević, Marija S. Jeremić, Auke Meetsma, Zoran D.Matović, Preparation, configurational and DFT-NBO analysis of nickel(II) complexes with edta-type ligands containing six-membered backbone ring: Crystal structure of  [Ni(H2O)6]  [Ni(1,3-pdta)].2H2O,  Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 66 (2013),  1730-1745,  ISSN 0095-8972















Биљана Миленковић


проф.др Драгослав Никезић

Примена детектора CR-39 у детекцији и дозиметрији неутрона




1.      B. Milenkovic, N. Stevanovic, D. Krstic, D. Nikezic, Numerical solving of the track wall equation in LR115 detectors etched in direct and reverse directions, Radiation Measurements, Vol. 44, Issue 1, 57-62 (2009) ISSN: 1350-4487 DOI: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2008.10.014 IF: 1.267; 4/30; 2008; Subject Category: Nuclear Science & Technology]

2.      Biljana Milenković, Dragoslav Nikezić, Nenad Stevanović, A simulation of neutron interaction from Am-Be source with the CR-39 detector, Radiation Measurements, Vol. 45, Issue 10, 1338-1341 (2010) ISSN: 1350-4487 DOI: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2010.06.049 IF 1.267; 4/30; 2008; Subject Category: Nuclear Science & Technology]

3.      B. Milenkovic, N. Stevanovic,  D. Nikezic, M. Ivanovic, Computer program Neutron_CR-39 for simulation of neutrons from an Am-Be source and calculation of proton track profiles,
Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 182,
Issue 7, 1536-1542 (2011) ISSN: 0010-4655
IF 3.268; 2/55; 2011; Subject Category: Physics, Mathematical]

4.      N. Stevanovic, B. Milenkovic, D. Nikezic, Software for Determination of Track Parameters in Nuclear Track Detectors Etched in Reverse Direction, Horizons in Computer Science Research, Vol. 3,Ch. 5, 89-108   ISBN: 978-1-61122-807-6 Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2011

5.  Milenkovic, B., Stevanovic, N., Krstic, D., Nikezic, D., Neutron detection by a CR-39 detector and analysis of proton tracks etched in the same and opposite directions, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 161, 4-Jan, (2014), 108-111

6.  Milenkovic, B., Stevanovic, N., Nikezic, D., Kosutic, D., Determination of a CR-39 detector response to neutrons from an Am-Be source, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 90, (2014), 225-228

      ISSN: 2159-2012









































проф.др Живадин Бугарчић

Испитивање механизма нуклеофилних супституционих реакција комплекса злата(III)



1.      M. Milovanović, A. Djeković, V. Volarević, B. 

Petrović, N. Arsenijević, Ž.D.Bugarčić,  Ligand substitution reactions and cytotoxic properties of [Au(L)Cl2]+ and [AuCl2(DMSO)2]+ compexes (L= ethylenediamine and S-methyl-l-cysteine), Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2010,  vol.104,  No.9, pp. 944-949, ISSN 0162-0134,  DOI: 10.1016,  IF=3.197,

2.      V. Volarević, M. Milovanović, A. Djeković, B. 

Petrović, N. Arsenijević, Ž.D.Bugarčić,  The cytotoxic effects of some selected gold(III) complexes on 4T1 cells and their role in prevention of breast tumor growth in BALB/c mice,  Journal of the Balcan Oncology, 2010,  vol.15, No.4, pp. 768-773, ISSN 1107-0625, DOI: IDS Number: 710TL,  IF 0.61, 

3.      A. Djeković, B. Petrović, R. Puchta,  Ž.D.

Bugarčić, R. Van Eldik,  Kinetics and mechanism of the reactions of Au(III) complexes with some biologically relevant molecules, Dalton Transaction, 2012, Vol. 41,  pp. 3633-3641, ISSN: 1477-9226,  IF. 3.838, OI:10.1039/C2DT11843B   

4.      M. Arsenijević, M. Milovanović, V. Volarević, A. Djeković, T. Kanjevac, N. Arsenijević, S. Đukić, Ž.D. Bugarčić,  Cytotoxicity of gold(III) complexes on A549 human lung carcinoma epithelial cell line,  Medicinal Chemistry,  2012,  vol.8, pp. 2-8, ISSN: 1573-4064   

      DOI: 10.2174/157340612799278469  IF 1.603 

5.   S. M. Janković, A. Đeković, Ž. D. Bugarčić, S. V.

      Janković, G. Lukić, M. Folić, D. Čanović, Effects

      of  aurothiomalate and gold(III) complexes on   

      spontaneous motility of isolated human oviduct,             

      Biometals, 2012, vol. 25, str 919–925, ISSN:0966-

      0844 DOI 10.1007/s10534-012-9558-2  































мр Тања Милошевић Ифантис



проф.др Хелен Скалтса

Хемијски састав и антимикробна активност неких  секундарних метаболита биљака Centaurea pannonica (Heuffel) Simonkai (Asteraceae) и Origanum scabrum Boiss.&Heldr (Lamiaceaе)



1.      T.Milošević, C. Argyropoulou, S. Solujić, D. Muratspahić, H. Skaltsa. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from Centaurea pannonica and C. jacea. Nat.Prod.Commun., 5 (2010), 1663-1668  ISSN 1934-578X  IF 2011- 1.242  M23

2.      T.Milošević Ifantis, S. Solujić, H. Skaltsa. Secondary metabolites from the aerial parts of Origanum scabrum Boiss.&Heldr. Biochem.Syst.Ecol., 44(2012)  289-294. ISSN 035-1978  IF 2010- 1.110   M23

3.      T.Milošević Ifantis, S. Solujić, D. Pavlović-Muratspahić, H. Skaltsa. Secondary metabolites from the aerial parts of Centaurea pannonica(Heiff.) Simonk. From Serbia and their chemotaxonomic importance. Phytochemistry (2013) ISSN 0031-9422         IF 2011-3.351

DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2013.05.014    M21













Дејан Миленковић


проф.др Зоран Марковић


Механизми антиоксидативног деловања бајкалеина



1.      Marković Z., Dimitric-Marković J., Milenković D., Filipović N.; Mechanistic Study of Structure-Activity Relationship of the Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Baicalein; I  Mol Model , (2011) 17 2575-2584. DOI I 0. 1 007/s00894-01 0-0942-v  ISSN: 1610-294'0 IF= 2.336

2.      Marković Z.. Marković S., Dimitrić-Marković J., Milenkovic D.; Structure and reactivity of baicalein radical cation; Int. J. euant. Chem., (2012) llz:2009-2017  DOI: I 0. 1002/qua.Z3t7 5  ISSN:0020-7608 IF:= 1.357

3.      Marković Z., Dimitric-Marković J., Milenković D., Filipović N.; Structural and electronic features of baicalein and its radicals; Monatsh. Chem., (2011) l42: 145-152. DOI: 1 0. 1 007/s007 06-010-0426-x ISSN:0026 -9247  IF: 1.532

4.      Brdarić T., Marković Z., Milenković D., Dimitric-Marković J,  A joint application of vibrational spectroscopic and quantum mechanical methods in quantitative analysis ot' baicalein structure; Mtnat,sh. Chem., (2012) 143: 1369-137g,   DOI: I 0. I 007/s00706-01 2-0805-6 ISSN:0026 -9247  IF: 1.629  


















Тања Милутиновић


Проф.др Смиљка Шимић

Зоогеографија, диверзитет и конзервациони статус Lumbricidae (Annelida) Западне Србије



1.      Stojanović, M., Milutinović, T., Karaman, S. (2007). Earthworm (Lumbricidae) diversity in the Central Balkans: An evaluation of their conservation status.European Journal of Soil Biology,44: 54–67.  ISSN: 1164-5563  M23  IF-0.888 

2.      Milutinović, T., Avramović, S., Pešić, S., Blesić, B., Stojanović, M., Mitrovski, A.(2010).Cоntribution to the knowledge of pedofauna in Šumadija (Central part of Serbia). Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 24(2), 628-635. ISSN: 1310-2818  M23  IF-0.503

3.      Milutinović, T., Tsekova, R., Milanović, J., Stojanović, M. (2013) Distribution, biogeographical significance and status of Lumbricus meliboeusRosa, 1884 (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae)at the European scale: first findings in Serbia and in Bulgaria. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 9(1):131801. ISSN: 1584-9074  M23  IF-0.747

4.      Stojanović, M., Milutinović,T.(2013) Checklist of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) from Montenegro: Diversity and biogeographical review. Zootaxa, 3710 (2): 147–164.  ISSN: 1175-5326) M23  IF-0.974

5.      Milutinović, T., Milanović, J., Stojanović, M. (2012). Application of species richness estimators for the assessment of earthworm diversity. Journal of Natural History, DOI: 10. 1080/00222933.2013.791947.  ISSN: 0022-2933 M23 IF-0.778

6.      Milutinović, T., Milanović, J., Stojanović, M. (2012). Threat status and distribution of the endemic species Allolobophora kosowensis kosowensis Karaman, 1968 (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) in the Balkans. Journal of Natural History, DOI: 10. 1080/00222933.2013.791946. ISSN: 0022-2933 M23 IF-0.778


































Мр Мирјана Цвијовић

проф. др Предраг Ђурђевић

Испитивање реакција хидролизе и комплексирања растворима алуминијума (III)-јона и неких флуорохинолона електроспреј-тандем масеном спектрометријом“



1.      M. Cvijović, V. Kilibarda, M.J. Stankov, I.Lazarević, I. Jakovljević, Lj. Joksović, P. Đurđević. ESI-MS Study of Speciation in Hydrolyzed Aluminium Chloride solutions. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, Vol 23 No6, 1087-1097, (2012),  ISSN 0103-5053.  

2.      M. Cvijović, V. Di Marco, P. Traldi, M.J. Stankov, P. Đurđević. Mass Spectrometric Study of Speciation in Aluminium-Fluoroquinolone Solutions. European Journal of Mass Spectrometry. Vol.18, No3,  313-322  (2012)  ISSN 1469-0667  doi: 10.1255/1183  

3.      A. Dean, M. G. Ferlin, M. Cvijović, P. Đurđević, F. Dotto, D. Badocco, P. Pastore, A. venzo and V. Di Marco.  Evaluation of 11,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxy-4-pyridineecarboxylic Acid and Other 3-hydroxy-4- pyridineecarboxylic Acid Derivatives for Possible Application in Iron and Aluminium Chelation. Polyhedron (2014) 67, 520-528. ISSN: 0277-5387














Tатјанa Томовић


проф. др Марија Станић

Анализа и примене квадратурних формула Гаусовог типа за тригонометријске полиноме



1.      A.S. Cvetkovic, M.P. Stanic, Z.M. Marjanovic, T.V. Tornovic, Asymptotic behavior of orthogonal trigonometric polynomials of semi-integer degree, Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (23) (2012), 11528-11533. MR2943998 ISSN 0096-3003

2.      M.P. Stanic, A.S. Cvetkovic, T.V. Tomovic, Error bound of certain Gaussian quadrature rules for trigonometric polynomials, Kragujevac J. Math. 36 (1) (2012), 63-72. MR2990638 ISSN 1450-9628

3.      M.P. Stanic, A.S. Cvetkovic, T.V. Tomovic, Error estimates for some quadrature rules with maximal trigonometric degree of exactness, Math. Methods Appl, Sci 37 (11) (2014), 1687-1699. ISSN 0170-4214  

4.      M.P. Stanic, A.S. Cvetkovic, T.V. Tomovic, Error estimates for quadrature rules with maximal even trigonometric degree of exactness, Rev. R.Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 108 (2014) 603-615. ISSN 1578-7303

5.       M.P. Stanic, A.S. Cvetkovic, T.V. Tomovic, Error bounds for some quadrature rules with maximal trigonometric degree of exactness, AIP Conf. Proc. 1479 (2012), 1042-1045.ISSN 0094-243X, ISBN 978-0-7354-1091-6  

6.      M.P. Stanić,T.V. Tomović: Multiple orthogonality in the space of trigonometric polynomials of semi-integer degree, FILOMAT (to appear)


























мр Драгослав Илић



проф. др Срећко Трифуновић

Синтеза, карактерисање и потенцијална антимикробна активност комплекса неких прелазних метала са лигандима едда-типа



1.      Dragoslav R. Ilić, Jelena M. Vujić, Ivana D. Radojević, Olgica D.Stefanović, Ljiljana R. Čomić, Dragić D. Banković, Srećko R. Trifunović, Stereospecific ligands and their complexes, Part VIII: Antimicrobial activity of Palladium(II) complexes with O,O'-dialkyl esters of (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2-(4-methyl)-pentanoic acid. Hemijska Industrija 66 (3) (2012)349-355 DOI:10.2298/HEMIND110928096I   M23

2.      Dragoslav R. Ilić, Verica V. Jevtić, Ivana D. Radojević, Sava M. Vasić, OlgicaS. Stefanović, Ljiljana R. Čomić, Miorad M. Vasojević, Miodrag Z. Jelić, T. V. Koval'chuk, N. V. Loginova, Srećko. R. Trifunović, Stereospecific ligands and their complexes. Part XIX. Synthesis, characterization, circular dichroism and antimicrobial activity of oxalato and malonato-(S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2--(3-methyl)butanoato-chromate(III) complexes, Journal of Molecular Structure 1050 (2013) 133-139.  doi.org/10.1016/j.molstruc.2013.07.022; ISSN 0022-2860

3.      Dragoslav R. Ilić, Verica V. Jevtić, Gordana P. Radić, K. Arsikin, B. Ristić, Lj. Harhaji Trajković, Nenad Vuković, Slobodan Sukdolak, Olivera Klisurić, Vladimir Trajković, Srećko R. Trifunović, Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity of a new palladium(II) complex with a coumarine-derived ligand European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 74 (2014) 502-508. doi.org/10.1016/j.ejmech.2013.12.051


































мр Дејанa Димитријевић


проф. др Срећко Трифуновић

Синтеза, карактерисање и потенцијална антимикробна активност комплекса платина(IV) и паладијум(II) јона са дериватима етилендиамин-N,N´-ди-(S,S)-(2,2´-дибензил)ацетато лиганда“



1.     Srećko R. Trifunović, Dejana P. Dimitrijević, Gordana P.Vasić, Niko S.Radulović, Mirjana D.Vukićević, Frank W. Heinemann,  Rastko D.Vukićević,  New Simple Synthesis of N-Substituted 1,3-Oxazinan-2-ones, SYNTHESIS-STUTTGART 6 (2010) 943-946. ISSN: 0039-7881; DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1218642; ID: T20509SS     IF 2.260

2.     Dejana P. Dimitrijević, Slađana B. Novaković,  Gordana P.Radić, Verica V. Jevtić,  Laura Menendez-Taboada, Santiago Garcia-Granda,  Srećko R.Trifunović, Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of butyl

       N-(3-chloropropyl)-(2S)-alaninate hydrochloride,  

       Journal of Serbian Chemical Society 78 (2013) 1-

       12 ISSN:  1820-7421;  IF 0.912

      DOI: 10.2298/JSC130214054D  


3.      Dejana P. Dimitrijević, Verica V.  Glođović, Gordana P.Radić,  Santiago Garcia-Granda, Laura Menendez-Taboada, Marija Z.Milovanović, Vladislav Volarević, Nebojša N.Arsenijević, Goran A. Bogdanović, Srećko R. Trifunović, Stereospecific ligands and their complexes. Part XV. Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity of novel platinum(IV) complexes with some esters of ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-S,S-(2,2'--dibenzyl)acetic acid. Crystal structure of O,O'-dipropyl-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-S,S-(2,2'--dibenzyl)acetate dihydrochloride. Inorganica Chimica Acta 402 (2013) 83-89. ISSN: 0200-1693; DOI: 10.1016/j.ica.2013.03.039  

IF 1.687






























Виолета Јаковљевић


Проф.др Јелица Стојановић

Биохемијске карактеристике изабраних врста гљива у функцији биодеградације детерџентa



1.      Jakovljević Violeta D., Milićević Jasmina M., Stojanović Jelica D., Solujić Slavica R.,

      Vrvić Miroslav M., (2013). Antioxidant activity of 

      ethanolic extract of Penicillium chrysogenum and  

      Penicillium fumiculosum, Hemijska industrija,

      OnLine-First (00):27-27. ISSN: 0367-598X



2.      Jakovljević Violeta D., Milićević Jasmina M., Stojanović Jelica D., Solujić Slavica R.,Vrvić Miroslav M., (2013). Influence of detergent and its components on metabolism of Fusarium oxysporum in submerged fermentation, Hemijska industrija, OnLine-First (00):71-71. ISSN: 0367-598X doi:10.2298/HEMIND130620071J

      M23, IF2013=0.463

3.      Jakovljević Violeta D., Milićević Jasmina M., Stojanović Jelica D., Vrvić Miroslav M.,(2014). The ability of fungus Mucor racemosus Fresenius to degrade high concentration of detergent. Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, OnLine-First (00):2-2.ISSN:1451-9372


      M23, IF2013=0.533

4.      Stojanović Jelica, Jakovljević Violeta, Matović Ivana, Gajović Olgica, Mijušković Zoran, Nedeljković Tomislav, (2010). The influence of detergents, sodium tripolyphosphates and ethoxyled oleyl-cetyl alcohol on metabolism of the fungi Penicillium verrucosum Peyronel. Acta Veterinaria, Beograd, vol 60, No 1, 67-77. ISSN: 0567-8315. doi: 10.2298/AVB1001067S M23, IF2011 = 0,169


























Душицa Симијоновић


проф.др Зорица Петровић

Деривати етаноламина као јонске течности и прекурсори биолошки и каталитички активних Pd(II)-комплекса



5.      Simijonović D., Petrović Z. D., Petrović V. P., Some physico-chemical properties of ethanolamine ionic liquids: Behavior indifferent solvents, J. Mol. Liq. (2013), 179: 98–103.DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2012.12.020 ISSN: 0167-7322 IF2012=1.580

6.      Petrović Z. D., Hadjipavlou-Litina D., Pontiki E., Simijonović D., Petrović V.P.,  Diethanolamine Pd(II) complexes in bioorganic modeling as model systems of metallopeptidases and soybean lipoxygenase inhibitors, Bioorg. Chem., (2009) 37: 162–166. DOI: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2009.07.003 ISSN: 0045-2068, IF2009=1.588 

7.      Petrović Z. D., Marković S., Petrović V. P., Simijonović D., Triethanolammonium acetate as a multifunctional ionic liquid in the palladiumcatalyzed green Heck reaction, J. Mol. Modl. (2012), 18:433–440. DOI: 10.1007/s00894-011-1052-1  ISSN: 1610-2940 IF2012=1.797 

8.      Petrović Z. D., Čomić Lj., Stevanović O., Simijonović D., Petrović V. P., Antimicrobial activity of the ionic liquids triethanolamine acetate and diethanolamine chloride, and their corresponding Pd(II) complexes, J. Mol. Liq. (2012), 170: 61–65. IF2012=1.580  DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2012.03.009 ISSN: 0167-7322 

9.      Petrović V. P., Simijonović D., Petrović Z. D., Use of diethanolammonium– tetrachloridopalladate(II) complex in bioorganic modelling as artificial metallopeptidase in the reaction with N-acetylated L-methionylglycine dipeptide. NMR and DFT study of the hydrolytic reaction, J. Mol. Struct. (2014), 1060: 38–41.  DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.molstruc. 2013.12.026 ISSN: 0022-2860  IF2012=1.404 




























Јасна Стевановић


Проф.др Владимир Ристић

Коригована брзина прелаза у ADK теорији у процесу тунелне јонизације



1.      V.M. Ristić and J. M. Stevanović, »Transition rate dependence on the atom charge states, Z«,Laser Physics Letters, Vol. 4, No. 5, 354-356 (2007)  ISSN: 1612- 2011 DOI: 10.1002 /lapl. 200610124 IF: 1.918; 8/55; 2007; Subject Category: Instruments & Instrumentation]

2.   V.M. Ristić and J.M. Stevanović, »Atom charge 

      states, Z and comparing the ADK and cADK-  

      theories«, Laser Physics,Vol. 19, No. 5, 989-992  

      (2009) ISSN: 1054-660X DOI: 10.1134/ 

      S1054660X0905017X IF:0.676;   

     Subject Category: Physics, Applied]

3.  J.M.Stevanović, T. B. Miladinović, M.M.  

     Radulović and V.M. Ristić, »Ionization rate for

     circularly  polarized laser fields with modified  

     ionization  potential included«, Physica Scripta

     T149, 014046 (2012) ISSN: 0031-8949

     IF: 1.204; 35/84; 2011; Subject Category: Physics,


















проф.др Владица Симић

Могућности коришћења базе података у стратегији конзервације биодиверзитета макробескичмењака копнених вода на националном нивоу



1.   Petrović A., Milosevic Dj., Paunovic M., Simic, S., Djorđevic N., Stojkovic M., Simic V. (2014), New data on distribution and ecology of mayflies larvae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) of Serbia (Central part of Balkan Peninsula). Turkish Journal of Zoology, DOI: 10.3906/zoo-1304-2, ISSN 1300-0179,  IF 0.414   M23

2.   Petrović A., Simić V., Milošević Dj., Paunović M., Sivec I. (2014), The first data on the diversity and distribution of Plecoptera in the aquatic ecosystem of Serbia (Central Balkan Peninsula). Acta zoologica bulgarica 66 (4): 517-526, ISSN 0324-0770,  IF2013 – 0.357.

3.   Petrović A., Rajkovic M., Simic, S., Maguire I., Simic V. (2013), Importance of genetic characteristics in the conseervation and management of crayfish in Serbia and Montenegro. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (5), 1095-1106,  ISSN 1310-0351  IF 0.136  M23

4.   Milosevic Dj., Stojkovic M., Čerba D., Petrović A., Paunovic M., Simic V. (2014), Different aggregation approaches in the chironomid community and the threshold of acceptable information loss. Hydrobiologia, 727 (1): 35-50. ISSN 0018-8158  IF 1.985   M22

5.   Simić, V., Petrović, A., Rajković M, M. Paunović (2008), Crayfish of Serbia and Montenegro- the population status and the level of Endangerment, Crustaceana, 81 (10),  1153-1176, ISSN 0011-216x, IF 0.466   M23

6.   Simić V., Paunović M., Stojanović B., Veljković A. (2005). A new record of Choropteres picteti (Eaton, 1871)[Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae] in Serbia. Biotechnology &  Biotechnological Equipment, 19 (3):89-90 ISSN 1310-2818 IF-2003 – 0.055  M23

7.   Paunović M., Miljanović B.,  Simić V., Cakić P., Đikanović V., Jakočev-Todorović D., Stojanović B., Veljković A. (2005). Distribution of non-indigenous Tubificid worm Branchiura sowerbyi (Beddard, 1892) i Serbia. Biotechnological Equipment, 19 (3):99-104 ISSN 1310-2818 IF-2003 – 0.055 



































мр Снежана Бранковић


Проф.др Драгана Муратспахић

Утицај геолошке подлоге на садржај метала у биљкама



1.   Branković, S., Pavlović-Muratspahić, D., Topuzović, M., Glišić, R., Banković, D., Stanković, M. (2011) Environmental study of some metals on several aquatic macrophytes. African Journal of Biotechnology,10(56):11956-11965.  DOI: 10.5897/AJB10.2655, ISSN 1684- 5315   IF2010=0.573;

2.   Stanković, M., Radojević, I., Stefanović, O., Topuzović, M., Čomič, Lj., Branković, S. (2011) Immorelle (Xeranthemum annuum L.) as a natural source of biologically active substances. EXCLI Journal, 10: 230-239.  ISSN 1611-2156IF2011=1.061; 

3.   Branković, S., Pavlović-Muratspahić, D., Topuzović, M., Glišić, R., Milivojević, J., Đekić, V. (2012) Metals concentration and accumulation in several aquatic macrophytes. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 26(1): 2731-2736.     DOI: 10.5504/bbeq.2011.0086,  ISSN 1310-2818IF2012=0.622;  

4.   Branković, S., Glišić, R., Pavlović-Muratspahić, D., Topuzović, M., Đekić V. (2013) Phytoaccumulation of some metals by three species of genus Alyssum on one serpentine locality (Serbia). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 22(11):3146-3154.      ISSN 1018-4619IF2013=0.527;

5.   Milošković, A., Branković, S., Simić, V., Kovačević, S., Ćirković, M., Manojlović, D. (2013) The accumulation and distribution of metals in water, sediment, aquatic macrophytes and fishes of the Gruža reservoir, Serbia. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, 90 (5):563-569. ISSN 0007-4861                                                                                             IF2013=1.216M23

6.   Popović-Milenković, M., Tomović, M., Branković, S., Ljujić, B., Janković, M. (2014) Antioxidant and antiolytic activities of Crataegus nigra Wald. et Kit berries. Acta poloniae pharmaceutica- drug research, 71 (2): 279-285.ISSN 0001-6837IF2013=0.693;  

7.   Branković, S., Glišić, R., Đekić, V., Marin, M., (2014) Metal accumulation and tolerance of selected plants asbestos tailings (Stragari), Chemical Industry, DOI: 10.2298/HEMIND131017045B ISSN 0367-598X (IF2013=0.562)











































Сања Матић


Проф.др Снежана Станић

Ефекат метанолског екстракта биљке Cotinus coggygria Scop. на функцију генетичког материјала различитих експерименталних модел организама



1.   Matić S, Stanić S, Bogojević D, Vidaković M, Grdović N, Dinić S, Solujić S, Mladenović M, Stanković N, Mihailović M. (2013): Methanol extract from Cotinus coggygria Scop. stem and the major bioactive phytochemical constituent myricetin modulate the pyrogallol-induced DNA and liver damage. Mutation Research, Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 755 (2), 81-89. ISSN 1383-5718  doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mrgentox.2013.03.011  IF2012 = 2.220

2.   Mladenović M, Matić S, Stanić S, Solujić S, Mihailović V, Stanković N, Katanića J. (2013): Combining molecular docking and 3-D pharmacophore generation to enclose the in vivo antigenotoxic activity of naturally occurring aromatic compounds: Мyricetin, quercetin, rutin, and rosmarinic acid. Biochemical Pharmacology, in press.  ISSN 0006-295 doi:http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.bcp.2013.08.018  IF2012 = 4.576

3.   Matić S, Stanić S, Bogojević D, Vidaković M, Grdović N, Arambašić J, Dinić S, Uskoković A, Poznanović G, Solujić S, Mladenović M, Marković J, Mihailović M. (2011): Extract of the plant Cotinus coggygria Scop. attenuates pyrogallol-induced hepatic oxidative stress in Wistar rats. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 89 (6), 401-411.  ISSN 0008-4212  doi: 10.1139/y11-043 IF2011 = 1.953 

4.   Matić S, Stanić S, Bogojević D, Solujić S, Grdović N, Vidaković M, Mihailović M. (2011): Genotoxic potential of Cotinus coggygria Scop. (Anacardiaceae) stem extract in vivo. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 34 (2), 298-303.  ISSN 1415-4757 doi: 10.1590/S1415-47572011005000001  IF2011 = 0.634  

5.   Matić S, Stanić S, Solujić S, Milošević T, Nićiforović N. (2011): Biological properties of the Cotinus coggygria methanol extract. Periodicum Biologorum, 113 (1), 87-92. ISSN 0031-5362   IF2011 = 0.192 

6.   Stanić S, Matić S, Đelić G, Mihailović M, Bogojević D, Solujić S. (2011): Study of genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of the Cotinus coggygria Scop. methanol extract by Drosophila melanogaster sex-linked recessive lethal test. Russian Journal of Genetics, 47 (7), 770-774.  ISSN 1022-7954 doi: 10.1134/S1022795411070167 IF2011 = 0.427

7.   Stanić S, Matić S, Solujić S, Milošević T. (2009): Genotoxicity testing of the methanol extract of plant Cotinus coggygria and galic acid on Drosophila melanogaster. Archives of BiologicalSciences, 61 (2), 261-266. N ISSN 0354-4664 DOI:10.2298/ABS0902261S  IF2009 = 0.238 



















































Проф.др Драгослав Никезић

Мерење и анализа концентрације радона пасивном и активном методом на подручју града Бања Луке



1.   P. Kolarž, B. Miljković, Z. Ćurguz, Air-ion counter and mobility spectrometer, Nucl.Instrum. and Meth. In Phys. Res. B, 279,  219-222 (2012)  ISSN 0168-583X IF= 1,266 7/34 

2.   Z. Curguz, Z.S. Zunic, T.Tollefsen, P. Jovanovic, D. Nikezic, P. Kolarz, Active and passive radon concentraation measurements and first-step mapping in schools of Banja Luka, republic of Srpska, Romanian Journal of Physics, Volume 58,  Supplement, 2013, ISSN 1221-146X,  IF=0.526  68/83  

3.   Z. Curguz, Z. Stojanovska, P. Ujić, L. Nađđerđ, T. Tollefsen, P. Kolarž, F. Bochicchio, C. Carpentieri, G. Venoso, J. Vaupotic, R. Mishra, R. Prajith, B.K. Sapra Y.S. Mayya T. Ishikawa, Y. Omori, D. Nikezić, P. Bossew, Ž.S. Žunić,  Assesssment of nuclear track detectors exposure in schools of Banja Luka city, Republic of Srpska), Seeras, 27-30.05.2014 Nis, Page 42,  ISBN 978-86-6125-100-9  

4.   Z. Curguz, Z. Stojanovska, T. Ishikawa, Y. Omori, R. Mishra, R. Prajith, B.K. Sapra, Y.S. Mayya, F. Bochicchio, C. Carpentieri, T. Tollefsen, J. Vaupotic, G. Venoso, P. Kolarz, P. Bossew, Z.S. Zunic,  Radon and thoron equilibrium factors in dwellings of Banja Luka city (Republika Srpska), Seeras, 27-30.05.2014 Nis, Page 43,  ISBN 978-86-6125-100-9  

5.   Zoran Ćurguz, Predrag Kolarž, Zora S. Žunić, Bratislav Marinković, Branko Predojević,  The application of active method of measuring indoor radon concentration in the schools of Banja Luka, a sity in the Republic of Srpska, Proc.XXVI Symp. Of the Soc.Radiat.Protection of Serbia and Montenegro, tara, Serbia, Book of Contributed Papers, Eds. Olovera Ciraj-Bjelac, pp. 164-168. ISBN 978-86-7306-105-4. October 2011,  M63






























Tатјана Миладиновић


Проф.др Владимир Ристић

Укључивање ненултног импулса електрона у процену брзине прелаза у

Амосовелонекрајнов теорији за случај нискофреквентног линеарни и циркуларно поларизованог ласерског поља



1.   V.M. Ristić, T.B. Miladinović and M.M. Radulović, Transition Rate Dependence on the Non-Zero Initial Momentum in the ADK-Theory, Acta Physica Polonica A, 112, No. 5, 909- 914 (2007) ISSN: 0587-4246 IF = 0.340 за 2007. годину; 60/69; област: Physics, Multidisciplinary),

2.   V.M. Ristić, T.B. Miladinović and M.M. Radulović, Analyzing the Transition Rates of the Ionization of Atoms by Strong Fields of a CO2 Laser Including Nonzero Initial Momenta, Laser Physics, 18, No.10, 1183-1187 (2008) ISSN: 1054-660X IF = 0.777 за 2008. годину; 78/96; област: Physics, Applied),

3.   V.M. Ristić, T.B. Miladinović and M.M. Radulović, Calculating Ionization Transition Rate for Circularly Polarized Fields, Including Non-Zero Initial Momentum, Acta Physica Polonica A, 116, No. 4, 504- 506 (2009) ISSN: 0587-4246 (IF = 0.433 за 2009. годину; 60/71; област: Physics, Multidisciplinary),

4.   V.М. Ristić, T.B. Miladinović, J.М. Stevanović, Circularly polarized laser fields, with different Z, including non-zero initial momentum, Acta Physica Polonica A, 119, No. 6 (2011) 761-763; ISSN: 0587-4246 (IF = 0.467 за 2010. годину; 63/80; област: Physics, Multidisciplinary)

5.   T.B. Miladinović, J.M. Stevanović, M.M. Radulović, V.M. Ristić, The energy at which the maximum number of photoelectrons are observed during the ionization of potassium and xenon atoms, Physica Scripta, T149 014047, (2012), ISSN: 0031-8949; DOI:10.1088/0031-8949/2012/T149/014047 (IF = 1.204 за 2011. годину; 35/84; област: Physics, Multidisciplinary),

6.   T.B. Miladinović, V.M. Petrović and V.M. Ristić, Influence of ponderomotive potential and non-zero initial momentum of ejected electron on transition rate in multiphoton ionization, Acta Physica Polonica A, 124, No. 4, (2013) 658 – 660, ISSN: 0587-4246; DOI:10.12693-APhysPolA.124.658 (IF = 0.531 за 2012. годину; 67/83; област: Physics, Multidisciplinary),







































доц.др Драгана Крстић

Мерење радионуклида у тлу и радона у затвореним просторијама на Косову и Метохији



1.      Lj. Gulan, G. Milic, P. Bossew, Y. Omori, T. Ishikawa, R. Mishra, YS Mayya, Z. Stojanovska, D. Nikezic, B. Vuckovic, Z.S. Zunic, Field experience on indoor radon, thoron and their progenies with solid state detectors in a survey of Kosovo and Metohija (Balkan region), Radiation ProtectionDosimetry (2012), Vol. 152(1-3), p. 189-197, ISSN: 0144-8420, DOI:10.1093/rpd/ncs221, IF 0.909 2012, 16/34, Subject Category: Nuclear Science & Technology 

2.      Lj. Gulan, Francesco Bochicchio, Carmela Carpentieri, Gordana Milic, Jelena Stajic, Dragana Krstic, Zdenka Stojanovska, Dragoslav Nikezic and Zora S. Zunic,  High annual radon concentration in dwellings and natural radioactivity content in nearby soil in some rural areas of Kosovo and Metohija (Balkan region),. Nuclear Technology and Radiation protection (2013), Vol.28(1)  60-67,  ISSN: 1451-3994,  DOI: 10.2298/NTRP1301060G, IF= 1.000 2012, 14/34, Subject Category: Nuclear Science & Technology 

3.      Gordana Milic, Ljiljana Gulan, Peter Brossew, Biljana Vuckovic and Zora S. Zunic,  Indoor radon mapping: a survey of residential houses of Kosovo and Metohija, Romanian Journal of Physics (2013), Vol. 58: S180-S188,  ISSN 1221-146X,  IF 0526 -2012, 68/83, Subject Category: Physics, Multidisciplinary  

4.      Ljiljana Gulan, Biljana Milenkovic, Jelena Stajic, Biljana Vuckovic, Dragana Krstic, Tijana Zeremski, Jordana Ninkov,  Correlation between radioactivity levels and heavy metal content in the soils of North Kosovska Mitrovica environment. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts (2013), Vol. 15: 1735-1742,  ISSN: 1464- 0325,  DOI:10.1039/c3em00208j  IF 2.085 -2012,  84/209,  Subject Category Environmental Science   






























Школска 2014/15





Проф.др Светислав Савовић

Испитивање преносних карактеристика вишемодних оптичких влакана са W индексом преламања



1.   S. Savović, A. Simović, A. Djordjevich, “Explicit finite difference solution of the power flow equation in W-type optical fibers, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 44, No. 6, 1786-1790 (2012).        DOI: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2012.01.018  (ISSN: 0030-3992) [ИФ: 1.365; 36/80; 2012; Subject Category: OPTICS ]

2.   A. Simović, A. Djordjevich, S. Savović, Influence of depth of intermediate layer on optical power distribution in W-type optical fibers, Applied Optics, Vol. 51, No. 20, 4896-4901 (2012). DOI: 10.1364/AO.51.004896    (ISSN: 1559-128X) [ИФ: 1.689; 29/80; 2012; Subject Category: OPTICS

3.   S. Savović, A. Simović, A. Djordjevich, “Influence of width of launch beam distribution on equilibrium mode distribution in W-type glass optical fibers, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 48, 565-569 (2013). DOI: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2012.11.033 (ISSN: 0030-3992) [ИФ: 1.365; 36/80; 2012; Subject Category: OPTICS]

4.   А. Simović, S. Savović, B. Drljača, A. Djordjevich, Influence of intermediate layer on transmission characteristics of W-type optical fibers, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 57, 209-215 (2014)DOI: 10.1016/j.oplastec.2013.10.024  (ISSN: 0030-3992) [ИФ: 1.365; 36/80; 2012; Subject Category: OPTICS]























Милена Ћурчић


Доц.др Снежана Марковић

Молекуларни механизми апоптозе у ћелијама карцинома колона након  in vitro третмана екстрактима лековитих биљака“ 25.11.2014.

1.   Stanković М, Ćurčić M, Ţiţić J, Topuzović M, Solujić S, Marković S. Teucrium plant species as natural sources of novel anticancer compounds: antiproliferative, proapoptotic and antioxidant properties. International Journal of Molecular Science, 2011, 12: 4190-4205. ISSN: 1422-0067. IF 2011: 2.598.

2.   Ćurčić M, Stanković M, Mrkalić E, Matović Z, Banković D, Cvetković D, Đaĉić D, Marković S. Antiproliferative and proapoptotic activities of methanolic extracts from Ligustrum vulgare L. as an individual treatment and in combination with palladium complex. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2012, 13: 2521-2534. ISSN: 1422-0067. IF2011: 2.598, IF2012: 2.464,

3.   Ćurčić М, Stanković M, Radojević I, Stefanović O, Ĉomić Lj, Topuzović M, Đaĉić D, Marković S.

     Biological effects, total phenolic content and flavonoid concentrations of fragrant yellow onion (Allium flavum L.). Medicinal Chemistry, 2012, 8(1): 46-51. ISSN: 1573-4064. IF2010: 1.603, IF2012: 1.373 

4.   Šmit B, Pavlović R, Radosavljević-Mihajlović A, Došen A, Ćurčić M, Šeklić D, Ţivanović M.

     Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity of palladium(II) complex of 3-[(2-hydroxy-benzylidene)- amino]-2-thioxo-imidazolidin-4-one. Journal of Serbian Chemical Society, 2013, 78(2): 217-227. ISSN: 0352-5139. IF2013: 0.889



























Проф.др Предраг Ђурђевић

Оптимизација и валидација течно-хроматографске методе за одређивање флаванона и њихових деривата у фармацеутским формулацијама и храни



1.  Andrija Ćirić, Ratomir Jelić, Ljubinka Joksović, Milena Jelikić-Stankov, Predrag Djurdjević. Determination of moxifloxacin in human plasma by derivative UV spectrophotometry in a micellar medium. Can.J.Anal.Sci.Spec., 52 (6) (2007), 344-352  ISSN 1205-6685  IF  2007- 0.422   M23

2.  Predrag Djurdjevic, Andrija Ćiric, Aleksandra Djurdjevic, Milena Jelikić-Stankov. Optimization of separation and determination of synthesis-related impurities of moxifloxacin by RP-HPLC. J.Pharm.Biomed.Anal., 50(2) (2009)  117-126  ISSN 0731-7085  Doi: 10.1019/j.pba.2009.03.029       M22 IF2009 - 2.453  

3.  Andrija Ćiric, Helena Prosen,  Milena Jelikić-Stankov, Predrag Đurđevic. Evaluation of matrix effect in determination of some bioflavonoids in food samples by LC-MS/MS method.  Talanta, 99 (2012)  780-790. ISSN 0039-9140  IF2012- 3.948


4.  Andrija R. Ciric, Nevena Ivanovic, Milica S. Cvijovic, Milena Jelikic-Stankov, Ljubinka Joksovic, Predrag T. Djurdjevic. Chemometric assisted optimization of RP-HPLC method for determination of some bioflavonoids  in Brassica oleracea species and their antioxidative activity. Food Anal.Method., 7 (2014) 1389-1399  ISSN 1936-9751  IF 2013- 1.802  DOI: 10.1007/s12161-013-9761-y 





















мр Марина Миловановић


Проф.др Maрија Станић

Интерактивна мултимедија у настави математике




1.   M. Milovanovic, J. Obradovic, A. Milajic, Application of interactive multimedia tools in teaching mathematics - examples of lessonsfrom geometry, Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 12, Issue 1 (2013), 19-31, ISSN:2146-7242.(M22.11<I>2011 0,956 http://www.tojet.net/volumes/v12il.pdf.

2.   M. Milovanovic, D. Takaci, A. Milajic, Multimedia approach in teaching mathemathics - example of lesson about the definite integral application for determining an area, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Vol. 42, Issue 2 (2011), 175-187, ISSN:0020-739X.

3.   M. Миловановић, Мултимедијални приступ настави математике на примеру лекције о осној симетрији. Иновације у основном образовању- вредновање, Учитељски факултет, Београд (2009), 580-588.

4.   M. Milovanovic, Multimedia learning in education: multimedia lessons on rotation, Proceedings of III Congress of Mathematicians of Macedonia, Struga, Macedonia, September 29 - October 2,2005,131-140.





















мр Владимир Марковић


Проф.др Драгослав Никезић

Допринос ефективној дози од бета и гама зрачења радонових и торонових потомака




1.   V. Markovic, N. Stevanovic and D. Nikezic Absorbed fractions for electrons and beta

     particles in sensitive regions of human   

     respiratory tract Radiation and Environmental  

     Biophysics. 47: 139-145, 2008  ISSN:0301-634X,   


2.   N. Stevanovic V. Markovic, V. Urosevic and D. Nikezic Determination of parameters of

     Jacobi room model using the Brownian motion

     model Health Physics, 96(1): 48-54, 2009 ISSN:

     0017-9078, IF=0.917

3.   V.M. Markovic, D. Krstic, D. Nikezic. Gamma and beta doses in human organs due to radon progeny in human lung. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 135(3): 197 - 202, 2009 ISSN: 0144-8420, IF=0.951

4.   D. Nikezic, V.M. Markovic, D. Krstic and P.K.N. Yu Doses in human organs due to alpha, beta and gamma radiations emitted by thoron progeny in the lung. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 141(4): 428-431, 2010  ISSN: 0144-8420, IF=0.966

5.   V.M. Markovic, N. Stevanovic, D. Nikezic Doses from beta radiation in sensitive layers of human lung and dose conversion factors due to 222Rn/220Rn progeny, Radiat. Environ.Biophys, 50(3): 431-440, 2011  ISSN: 0301-634X, IF=2.04

6.   V.M. Markovic, D. Krstic, D. Nikezic, N. Stevanovic Doses from radon progeny as a source of external beta and gamma radiation. Radiat Environ Biophys, 51: 391–397, 2012 ISSN: 0301-634X, IF= 2.04

7.   D. Krstic, V.M. Markovic, D. Nikezic and D. Vucic Absorbed fractions in sensitive regions of human respiratory tract calculated by mcnp5/x software for electrons and beta particles due to radon progeny Romanian Journal of Physics 58: S164–S171, 2013  ISSN: 1221-146X, IF=0.526

































Ивана M. Станојевић


Проф. Др Милош Ђуран

Синтеза и карактеризација неких метал(II)  и метал(III)   комплекса са диаминополикарбоксилатним лигандима



1.   U. Rychlewska, B. Warżajtis, D. D. Radanović, N. S. Drašković, I. M. Stanojević, M. I. Djuran, Structural diversification of coordination mode of divalent metals with 1,3-propanediaminetetraacetate (1,3-pdta): the missing crystal structure of the s-block metal complex [Sr2(1,3-pdta)(H2O)6].H2O  Polyhedron, 30 (2011) 983-989.  ISSN: 0277-5387  DOI:10.1016/j.poly.2010.12.045 IF = 2,207 (2009)

2.   N. S. Drašković, D. D. Radanović, U.Rychlewska, B. Warżajtis, I. M. Stanojević, M. I. Djuran, Synthesis and spectral characterization of nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes with the hexadentate (±)-1,3-pentanediamine-N,N,N’,N’-tetraacetate ligand and its pentadentate derivative. Stereospecific formation and crystal structure of [Mg(H2O)6][Ni(1,3-pndta)]x4H2O   Polyhedron, 43 (2012) 185-193.   ISSN: 0277-5387   DOI:10.1016/j.poly.2012.06.013   IF=2,057 (2011)

3.   B. Warżajtis, U. Rychlewska, D. D. Radanović, I. M. Stanojević, N. S. Drašković, N. S. Radulović, M. I. Djuran,   Carboxylato-bridged polymeric complexes of chromium(III) with the hexadentate (±)-1,3-pentanediamine- N,N,N’,N’-tetraacetate ligand carrying different counter ions. Stereospecific formation and crystal structures of Na[Cr(1,3-pndta)]xH2O, K[Cr(1,3-pndta)]xH2O and Ca[Cr(1,3-pndta)]2x4H2O   Polyhedron, 67 (2014) 270-278.  ISSN: 0277-5387

     DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2013.09.009  IF=1,813 (2012)     



















Јелена Младеновић


Проф. др Бранка Огњановић

Ефекти кверцетина и епикатехина на оксидативно-антиоксидативни статус пацова третираних бакар(II)-јоном



1.  Jelena M. Mladenović, Milica G. Paunovuć, Miloš M. Matić, Veroljub S. Knežević, Branka I. Ognjanović, Andraš Š. Štajn and Zorica S. Saičić (2014). Copper-induced changes on lipid peroxidation and haemato-biochemical parameters in blood of rats: protective role of flavonoids. Archives of Biological Sciences 66 (3),  1271-1279.  Doi:10.2298/ABS1403271M. ISSN: 0354-4664  IF= 0.607 

2.  Mladenović, J., Ognjanović, B., Dordević, N., Matić, M., Knežević, V., Štajn, A., Saičić, Z., Protective effects of oestradiol against cadmium-induced changes in blood parameters and oxidative damage in rats, Arhiv za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju, 65, 1, (2014), 37-46











Милица Стојковић Пиперац



Проф. др Владица Симић

Модел за коришћење риба у систему биотичких индекса и његова улога у процени квалитета и еколошког статуса текућих вода“




1.    Stojković M., Simić V., Milošević Dj., Mančev D., Penczak T, (2013). Visualization of fish community distribution patterns using the self-organizing map: A case study of the Great Morava River system (Serbia). Ecological Modelling 248:20-29. (ISSN 0304-3800). 

2.    Stojković M., Milošević Dj., Simić S., Simić V. (2014) Using a fish-based model to assess the ecological status of lotic systems in Serbia. Water Resources Management 28: 4615-4629. (ISSN 0920-4741).

3.    Simić V., Simić S., Stojković Piperac M., Petrović A., Milošević Dj. (2014) Commercial fish species of inland waters: A model for sustainability assessment and management. Science of the total environment. 497-498: 642-650. (ISSN 0048-9697).













Ана Рилак Симовић


Проф. Др Живадин Д. Бугарчић

Синтеза, карактеризација и испитивање механизма супституционих реакција рутенијум(II) комплекса“




1.  Ana Rilak, Biljana Petrović, Sanja Grgurić-Šipka, Živoslav Lj. Tešić and  Živadin D. Bugarčić  Kinetics and mechanism of the reactions of Ru(II)-arene complex with some

    biologically relevant ligands, Polyhedron,   

    2011, 30, 2339-2344

    DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2011.06.019

    ISSN: 0277-5387  IF: 2.057

2.  Ana Rilak, Ioannis Bratsos, Ennio   

     Zangrando, Jakob Kljun, Iztok Turel, Živadin D. Bugarčić and Enzo Alessio,  Factors that influence the antiproliferative activity of half sandwich RuII-[9]aneS3 coordiantion compounds: activation kinetics and interaction with guanine derivatives, Dalton Transactions, 2012, 41, 11608-11618 DOI: 10.1039/c2dt31225e  ISSN: 1477-9226 IF: 3.806

3.  Ana Rilak, Ioannis Bratsos, Ennio  Zangrando, Jakob Kljun, Iztok Turel, Živadin D. Bugarčić and Enzo Alessio, New water-soluble ruthenium(II) terpyridine  complexes for anticancer activity: synthesis, characterization, activation kinetics and interaction with guanine

    derivatives,  Inorganic Chemistry, 2014, 53,

      6113-6126  DOI: 10.1021/ic500521  ISSN: 0020-

      1669   IF: 4.794

4.  Ana Rilak, Ralph Puchta and Živadin D.

    Bugarčić,  Mechanism of the reactions of   

    ruthenium(II)polypyridyl complexes with

    thiourea sulfur-containing amino acids and

    nitrogen-containing heterocycles,

    Polyhedron, 2015, 91, 73-83,



























Драгана Стевановић


Проф.др Растко Вукићевић

Примена анодне оксидације хлорида, бромида и цирконијума у органској синтези



1.  D. Stevanović, I. Damljanоvić, M. Vukićević, N. Manojlović, N. S. Radulović, R. D. Vukićević, “Electrochemical Chlorination of Physcion - An Approach to Naturally Occurring Chlorinated Secondary Metabolites of Lichens”, Helv. Chim. Acta 2011,94, 1406. ISSN: 0018-019X

2.  D. Stevanović, A. Pejović, I. Damljanоvić, M. Vukićević, G. A. Bogdanović, R. D.        Vukićević, “Anodic generation of a zirconium

     catalyst for Ferrier rearrangement and

     hetero Michael addition”, Tetrahedron Lett.

     2012, 53, 6257.ISSN: 0040-4039

3.  D. Stevanović, A. Pejović, I. S. Damljanоvić,

     M. D. Vukićević, G. Dobrikov, V.

     Dimitrov, M. S. Denić, N. S. Radulović, R. D.    

     Vukićević, „Electrochemical

     phenylselenoetherification as a key step in the  

     synthesis of (+/-)-curcumene ether”,

     Helv. Chim. Acta 2013, 96, 1103. ISSN: 0018- 


3.  D. Stevanović, G. A. Bogdanović, R. D.   

     Vukićević, „New ferrocene containing 3-

     (arylthio)propan-1-ones: Synthesis, spectral  

     characterization and crystal structure of


     one, 3-[(4-chlorophenyl)thio]-1-

     ferrocenyl-3-phenylpropan-1-one and 3-[(4- 


     phenylpropan-1-one”, Polyhedron 2014, 80,   

     10. ISSN: 0277-538

5.   D. Stevanović, A. Pejović, I. Damljanović, A.   

      Minić, G. A. Bogdanović, M. Vukićević, N.

      S. Radulović, R. D. Vukićević, „Ferrier  

      rearrangement promoted by an

      electrochemically generated zirconium   

      catalyst”, Carbohyd. Res., 2015, 407, 111.  

      ISSN: 0008-6215
































Ениса Селимовић

Проф.др Живадин Бугарчић

Испитивање кинетике и механизма супституционих реакција мононуклеарних и динуклеарних комплекса Pt(II)



1.      Enisa Selimović, Jovana Bogojeski, The substitution reactions of the small bio-molecules and dinuclear Pt(II) complexes with alkanediamine linker, vol. 47, International Journal of Chemical  Kinetics, 2015, 327-333, DOI 10., ISSN: 0538-8066, IF 1.566

2.      Enisa Selimović, Tanja Soldatović, Jovana Bogojeski and Živadin D. Bugarčić, Substitution reactions of dinuclear platinum(II) complexes with some nitrogen nucleophiles. Trans. Met.Chem., 2015, 40, 137-144, DOI 10. 1007/s11243-014-9899-5, ISSN: 0340-4285, IF 1.402

3.      Enisa Selimović, Tatjana Vulović, Biljana Petrović, Živadin D. Bugarčić and Jovana Bogojeski, Complex formation reactions of two sterically hindered platinum(II) complexes with some N-bonding ligands. Trans.Met.Chem., 2013, 38, 635-640, DOI 10.1007/s11243-013-9731-7 ISSN: 0340-4285, IF 1.402

4.      Enisa Selimović, Biljana Petrović, Dragan Čanović, Živadin D. Bugarčić and Jovana Bogojeski, Kinetic studies on the reactions of [(TLtBu)PtCl]+ and [Pt(tpdm)Cl]+ complexes with some thiols and thioethers, Aust.J.Chem. 2013, 66, 534-538, dx.doi.org/10.1071/CH12218  ISSN: 0004-9425  IF 1.644
























Проф.др Снежана Рајковић

Синтеза и карактеризација мононуклеарних и динуклеарних комплекса платине(II) и испитивање њихових реакција са пептидима“



1.       S. Rajk ović, D. P. Ašanin, M. D. Živković, M. I. Djuran, 1H NMR study of the reactions between carboplatin analogues [Pt(en)(Me-mal-O,O’)] and [Pt(en)(Me2 -mal-O,O’)] and various methionine- and histidine- containing peptides under physiologically relevant conditions, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 395 (2013) 245-251DOI: 10.1016/j.ica.2012.11.004

2.       D. P. Ašanin, M. D. Živković, S. Rajković, B.Warżajtis, U. Rychlewska, M. I. Djuran

Crystallographic evidence of anionπ interactions in the pyrazine bridged {[Pt(en)Cl]2(μ-pz)}Cl2 complex and a comparative study of the catalytic ability of mononuclear and binuclear platinum(II) complexes in the hydrolysis of N-acetylated L-methionylglycine, Polyhedron, 51 (2013) 255-262, DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2012.12.037

3.       S. Rajković, D. P. Ašanin, M. D. Živković, M. I. Djuran, Synthesis of different pyrazine-bridged platinum(II) complexes and 1H NMR study of their catalytic abilities in the hydrolysis of the N-acetylated L-methionylglycine, Polyhedron, 65 (2013) 42-47, DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2013.08.016

4.       S. Rajković, U. Rychlewska, B.Warżajtis, D. P. Ašanin, M. D.  Živković, M. I. Djuran

Disparate behavior of pyrazine and pyridazine platinum(II) dimers in the hydrolysis of histidine- and methionine-containing peptides and unique crystal structure of {[Pt(en)Cl]2(μ-pydz)}Cl2 with a pair of NHClHN hydrogen bonds supporting the pyridazine bridge, Polyhedron, 67 (2014) 279-285, DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2013.09.008



























Александар Мијатовић

Проф.др Живадин Бугарчић

Кинетика  и  механизам  супституционих реакција комплекса  паладијума(II) и рутенијума(II)




1.  Aleksandar Mijatović, Biljana Petrović, Ratomir

     Jelić, Živadin D. Bugarčić Equilibrium and kinetic   

     studies of the reactions between       

     [Ru(terpy)(bipy)Cl]Cl complex and biologically

     important N-donor ligands, Inorganica Chimica

     Acta, 2012, 383, 300-304. IF-1,687

 2. Aleksandar Mijatović, Biljana Šmit, Ana Rilak,

     Biljana Petrović, Dragan Čanović, Živadin D.

     Bugarčić NMR kinetic studies of the interactions

     between [Ru(terpy)(bipy)(H2O)]2+ and some

     sulfurdonor ligands, Inorganica Chimica Acta,  

     2013, 394, 552-557. IF-2,041

 3. Aleksandar Mijatović, Ratomir Jelić, Jovana

     Bogojeski, Živadin D. Bugarčić, Biljana Petrović,

     Kinetics, mechanism and equilibrium studies of the

     reactions between ruthenium(II) complex and some

     nitrogen- and sulfur- donor nucleophiles,

     Monatshefte für Chemie, 2013, 144, 1489-1498.

















Проф. др Зорица Бугарчић

Експериментално и теоријско испитивање механизма настајања фенилселено-етара из неких терпенских алкохола




1.      S. Marković, N. Janković, Z. Bugarčić, Influence of the counteranion on the phenylselenoetherification reaction of nerolidol, Monatchefte fur Chemie, 2015, 146, 275–282. IF-1,222

2.      N. Janković, S. Marković, Z. Bugarčić, DFT study of the mechanism of the phenylselenoetherification reaction of linalool, Monatchefte fur Chemie, 2014, 145, 1287–1296. IF-1,222

3.      M. D. Rvović, V. M. Divac, N. Ž. Janković, Z. M. Bugarčić, Cyclization of some terpenic alcohols by phenylselenoetherification reaction, Monatchefte fur Chemie, 2013, 144, 1227–1231. IF-1,629












Јасмина Обрадовић

Проф. др  Владимир Јуришић

Варијанте гена за рецептор епидермалног фактора раста код пацијената оболелих од немикроћелијског тумора плућа



1.         Jasmina Obradović, Vladimir Jurišić, Evaluation of current methods to detect the mutations of epidermal growth factor receptor in nonsmall cell lung cancer patients, Multidiscip Respir Med. 2012, 7, 52. IF-0,050

2.         Jasmina Obradović, Vladimir Jurišić, Nataša Tošić, Jasminka Mrdjanović, Branislav Perin, Sonja Pavlović, Nataša Đorđević, Optimization of PCR conditions for amplification of GC-rich EGFR promoter sequence, JCLA 2013, 27, 487-493. IF-1,144





Анка Пејовић


Проф. др Растко Вукићевић

Синтеза нових биолошки активних хетероцикличних једињења која садрже фероцен



1.      I. Damljanоvić, D. Stevanović, A. Pejović, M. Vukićević, S. B. Novaković, G. A. Bogdanović, T. Mihajilov-Krstev, N. Radulović, R. D. Vukićević, Antibacterial 3-(arylamino)-1-ferrocenylpropan-1-ones: Synthesis, spectral, electrochemical and structural characterization, J. Organomet. Chem. 2011, 696, 3703.

2.      A. Pejović, I. Damljanоvić, D. Stevanović, M. Vukićević, S. B. Novaković, G. A. Bogdanović, N. Radulović, R. D. Vukićević, Antimicrobial ferrocene containing quinolinones: Synthesis, spectral, electrochemical and structural characterization of 2-ferrocenyl-2, 3-dihydroquinolin-4(1H)-one and its 6-chloro and 6-bromo derivatives, Polyhedron, 2012, 31, 789.

3.      D. Stevanović, A. Pejović, S. B. Novaković, G. A. Bogdanović, V. Divjaković, R. D. Vukićević, A new polymorph of 1-ferrocenyl-3-(3-nitroanilino)propan-1-one, Acta Crystallogr. C, 2012, 68, 37.

4.      A. Pejović, I. Damljanоvić, D. Stevanović, M. Vukićević, S. B. Novaković, G. A. Bogdanović, T. Mihajilov-Krstev, N. Radulović, R. D. Vukićević, Ultrasoundassisted synthesis of 3-(arylamino)-1-ferrocenylpropan-1-ones, Helv. Chim. Acta 2012, 95, 1425.

5.      Z. Leka, S. B. Novaković, A. Pejović, G. A. Bogdanović, R. D. Vukićević, 1-Ferrocenyl-3-(3-fluoroanilino)propan-1-one, Acta Crystallogr. E 2012, E68, m231.

6.      Z. Leka, S. B. Novaković, A. Pejović, G. A. Bogdanović, R. D. Vukićević, 1-Ferrocenyl-3-(2-methylanilino)propan-1-one, Acta Crystallogr. E 2012, E68, m995.

7.       A. Pejović, M. S. Denić, D. Stevanović, I. Damljanović, M. Vukićević, K. Kostova, M. Tavlinova-Kirilova, P. Randjelović, N. M. Stojanović, G. A. Bogdanović, P. Blagojević, M. D'hooghe, N. S. Radulović, R. D. Vukićević, Discovery of anxiolytic 2-ferrocenyl-1,3-thiazolidin-4-ones exerting GABAA receptor interaction via the benzodiazepine-binding site, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2014, 83, 57.

8.      A. Pejović, B. Danneels, T. Desmet, B. T. Cham, T. Nguyen, N. S. Radulović, R. D. Vukićević, M. D’hooghe, Synlett, 2015, doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1380348.








































Игор Ђуровић

Проф. др Светлана Марковић

Испитивање Колбе-Шмитове реакције нафтоксида алкалних метала



1.         Zoran Marković, Svetlana Marković, Igor Đurović: Kolbe-Schmitt reaction of sodium 2-naphthoxide, Monatsh. Chem. 2008, 139, 329-335. IF-1,426

2.         Svetlana Marković, Igor Đurović, Zoran Marković: Formation of sodium 6-Hydroxy-2- naphthoate in the Kolbe-Schmitt reaction Monatsh. chem. 2008, 139, 1169-1174. IF-1,426

3.         Igor Đurović, Svetlana Marković, Zoran Marković: Carboxylation of sodium 2- naphthoxide. Reinvestigation of the mechanism by means of a hybrid meta density functional theory method, Hem. Ind. 2015, published online. IF-0,562

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Ивана Стошић


„Фреквенца микронуклеуса и полиморфизам GTT1 и GSTM1 гена у лимфоцитима периферне крви пацијенткиња у зависности од стадијума интрацервикалне лезије“





Мирјана Ђуровић






Јелена Рајковић





Вишња Симић





Татјана Стојановић





*Категоризација публикације према класификацији реорног Министарства за науку а у складу са захтевима допунских стандарда за дато поље

Напомена: Подкомисија ће, случајним избором, проверити докторску дисертацију и  наведене публиковане резултате